Research Center
Research Center on Well-Being

Mission of the Research Center


Managers are urged to foster the well-being of their stakeholders not only because it translates into a business strategy that leads to higher financial returns in the long run but also because it is the right thing to do ethically for individuals and society at large. However, many managers still struggle to audit, deliver or monitor well-being experiences and programmes while facing major technological, human and environmental challenges.
The aim of the research center is to spotlight the antecedents, consequences and mechanisms of individual and collective well-being for a variety of stakeholders such as leaders, employees, customers, students, or citizens. Our projects relate to broad organizational challenges such as diversity & inclusivity, technology, or sustainability among others, and their relation to well-being. Specifically, the research center builds on a variety of disciplinary lenses (e.g. marketing, management & organization, HR, etc.) to investigate three interdisciplinary themes:

  • Definitions and consequences of well-being in consumption, at work, for society
  • Antecedents and situations of well-being in consumption, at work, for society
  • Future challenges for well-being in consumption, at work, for society


Women in Finance Chair annual event
Thursday, 17 October 2024