Mission and ambition of the Research Centre

The ESCP Research Centre on Environmental and Societal Transitions (RESET) advances research on some of the most pressing challenges of our time. RESET aims to integrate various disciplines including, for example, organization studies, marketing, entrepreneurship, machine learning, international management, design science, and economics. The centre deals with essential sustainability topics, which range from: new models and paradigms in corporate sustainability, to sustainability transitions, to the future of growth within planetary boundaries. RESET works closely with ESCP’s Sustainability Institute.

The RESET Centre’s faculty, based across our European campuses, and research themes are clustered into three sub-groups.

graph - stucture of RESET
Regular Research Seminars in Sustainability

Regular Research Seminars in Sustainability

Frank Figge, ESCP Business School

Frank Figge

Sustainable Business Model Conference

Sustainable Business Model Conference

Florian Lüdeke-Freund, ESCP Business School

Florian Lüdeke-Freund

Learn More

Corporate Responsibility Research Conference

Corporate Responsibility Research Conference

Frank Figge, ESCP Business School

Frank Figge

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Development of a joint innovative collaboration on sustainability

Development of a joint innovative collaboration on sustainability

With professors and teams from ESCP, HEC, and ESSEC. In 2024, 120 students from the three Business Schools worked in teams for a whole day at Academie du Climat after following 3 masterclasses. The theme was on ecology and societal polarization. The event involved the Deans from the 3 institutions and led to a new edition.

Aurélien Acquier, ESCP Business School

Aurélien Acquier

Learn More

Reading girl

Helping the sustainability research community publish research in high level outlets through GRONEN

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FRONTIERS - Pushing the Frontiers of Corporate Sustainability Through New Models and Paradigms

After three decades of corporate sustainability research and practice, it is time for a major leap from less unsustainable to truly sustainable and regenerative business. Therefore, the FRONTIERS group focuses on researching new models and paradigms:

  • New managerial practices (e.g., ESG strategy in line with achieving net-zero targets and creating positive societal impacts; innovative sustainability accounting, reporting and performance frameworks);
  • New business models and modes of organizing (e.g., circular, regenerative, or social business models; social entrepreneurship and innovation as forces for societal transformations);
  • New areas of knowledge to reshape business and economics (e.g., biodiversity, climate change, systems thinking as derived from sociology as well as earth system science), which provide stronger and more ambitious frames for corporate sustainability initiatives (e.g., business that respects planetary boundaries).

The objective of the FRONTIERS group are twofold:

  1. To serve as a research incubator and catalyzer to facilitate the emergence of innovative research projects and programs, aiming to push the boundaries of the field far beyond the status quo.
  2. To facilitate interdisciplinary dialogues and research involving business-related and other academic fields as well as with non-academic actors (NGOs, policy makers, managers, entrepreneurs, activists, etc.).
REBOOT - Changing Mindsets Towards the Sustainable Transitions

REBOOT’s starting point is that a strong and long-lasting sustainable transition will not be possible without a collective change of mindset. With mindset, we refer to a collective way of thinking and being that results from a broad understanding of the ecosystem’s manifestations and from an introspective focus on one’s personal values and the higher self. The objectives of the REBOOT group are to investigate ways of better understanding and implementing such a mindset change within society.

In pursuing this goal, REBOOT takes a multi-stakeholder perspective, as economic actors do not operate in isolation from each other, but have impacts (“externalities”) and are impacted by each other. More particularly, we focus on three research axes:

  1. Consumers and the desirability of voluntarily adopting simplified lifestyles and the idea of downsizing and sobriety.
  2. Educators and the development of new educational leadership based on the ethics of care.
  3. Consultants and empowering individual changemakers and changemaking organizations to promote sustainability transitions.


GROWEN - Growth and the Environment

GROWEN's mission is to navigate the delicate interplay between economic expansion and environmental sustainability, questioning prevailing norms to reveal routes to a balanced future. It delves into the feasibility (and how to overcome persistent challenges) of melding economic prosperity with the wellbeing of society, humanity, and the planet. With a commitment to sparking transformative discussions on growth and ecological stewardship, GROWEN aspires to set new standards through research that excels academically, proves practical in application, and is geared towards fostering meaningful change.

Leadership Section


Gorgi Krlev - Professor - ESCP

Gorgi Krlev

Director ESCP Research Centre on Environmental and Societal Transitions

Gorgi Krlev is the Associate Dean and Professor of Sustainability at ESCP Business School as well as the director of ESCP’s Research Centre on Environmental and Societal Transitions (RESET). Gorgi serves on the Board of Directors of Euclid Network, the international network of impact-driven leaders supported by the European Commission. He also holds a Visiting Professorship at Politecnico di Milano and is a Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford.

Permanent Faculty

Aurélien Acquier - Professor - ESCP

Aurélien Acquier


Valentina Carbone - Associate Professor - ESCP

Valentina Carbone


Olivier Delbard - Professor - ESCP

Olivier Delbard


Frank Figge,  Professor for Sustainability

Frank Figge


Anna Glaser
 -   Assistant Professor


Anna Glaser

Assistant Professor
Work & Human Relations

Oliver Laasch  -  Associate  Professor


Oliver Laasch


Joe Miemczyk-Professor


Joe Miemczyk


Laetitia Mimoun  -   Associate Professor


Laetitia Mimoun

Associate Professor

Giulio Nardella  -   Associate Professor


Giulio Nardella

Associate Professor

Ivan Savin   -    Associate Professor


Ivan Savin

Associate Professor
Information & Operations Management

Nathalie Prime   -    Professor


Nathalie Prime


Julien Schmitt -    Professor


Julien Schmitt


Christoph Seckler -    Professor


Christoph Seckler


Caroline Verzat  -    Professor


Caroline Verzat


Carolin Waldner -  Assistant Professor - ESCP

Carolin Waldner

Assistant Professor

Robert Wilken - Professor - ESCP

Robert Wilken


Researchers (PhDs and PostDocs)

Research Activities


The FRONTIERS group aims to act as a ‘research catalyzer’, that is a vehicle to identify, incubate, and accelerate boundary-pushing research projects. These seed projects shall lead to acceleration effects and larger scale collaborative research networks as well as business and society impact through partnerships with external partners and funders.

Relevant areas of research include but are not limited to:

  • Sharing economy: practices, which may or may not promote a wide range of social or environmental effects on interconnected sustainability challenges. A persistent key challenge is how to overcome the many paradoxes involved in promoting multiple, often conflicting goals.
  • Circular economy: new economic and business models that deviate significantly from the mainstream model of make-use-dispose. This research includes the development of frameworks for circularity indicators, mapping novel actors in circular networks, or re-engineering entire systems to be more circular and regenerative.
  • Energy and carbon neutrality: new approaches of energy generation and consumption, including aspects of presumption, cooperative models, or energy activism.
  • Responsible business practices: focusing on new types of responsible or irresponsible business behavior (business models, governance, cross-sector partnerships) in view of interconnected sustainability challenges beyond carbon (for example biodiversity), in particular in emerging country contexts and the African continent.
  • New forms of entrepreneurship and innovation: exploring social entrepreneurship and innovation along with emergent purpose-oriented fields and industries, such as impact investing, as sources of major societal transformations.

Exemplary projects and outputs associated with FRONTIERS:

  • PATH4 Well-Being project focusing on paradox mindsets and the well-being of social entrepreneurs (Carolin Waldner in collaboration with the University of Kiel, EDHEC Business School, University of St. Gallen, and WU University Vienna; funded by NORFACE Welfare State Futures and CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, including German Research Foundation (DFG)).
  • Commons for Future, research-grounded open access education platform on energy, business, climate and geopolitics (Aurelien-Acquier and Pierre Peyretou)
  • Ongoing large-scale survey on sustainable business model transformation in Germany in collaboration with Bertelsmann Foundation (Florian Lüdeke-Freund).
  • Social Economy Science conference with the European Commission and book published by Oxford University Press (Gorgi Krlev).

Research outputs of FRONTIERS do not only take the form of articles in leading management, economics and other social science journals, but also focus on dissemination and transfer in the form of blog posts, podcasts, or white papers. Exemplary key vehicles for stakeholder engagement are, for example ESCP’s Symposium on Sustainability Entrepreneurship together with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the STAR Centre’s STARbowls.


The REBOOT group focuses on three interconnected research axes:

  • Axis 1 - Exploring sobriety and voluntary simplicity lifestyles for sustainability transitions:
    This research stream aims to investigate and propose strategies for fostering a sobriety mindset among consumers as a crucial element for facilitating the sustainable transition. It will explore the role of individual and collective mindset transformation in promoting a more responsible approach to consumption. This research wants to understand the factors influencing consumption behaviors, identify barriers for adopting more sustainable practices, and develop effective strategies to change consumption patterns. It will involve a multi-method, multi-field approach.
  • Axis 2 - Educating organizational leadership based on the ethics of care:
    One key objective of this research strand is to empower students to become leaders that act as change catalysts. This requires supporting their moral and cognitive maturity, their authenticity and their ecological self. Care ethics illuminate the ethical dimension of relational leadership for sustainability and can harness students’ moral and critical engagement. However, as implementing care philosophy and practice in Business Schools is recent, we need to evaluate its impact and to understand its key success factors. Notably, how educators can incarnate the care through their teaching practices and own values.
  • Axis 3: Empowering consultants to promote sustainability transitions:
    This research strand wants to understand the processes through which consultants influence, transform (or fail to transform) their client organisations, and which emotional dynamics are involved in such processes. While consultants play a central role in the diffusion, standardization and translation of practices, knowledge and visions of work, past studies underline the tensions consultants may experience in their work as they navigate between different logics that are difficult to reconcile (economic imperatives vs. sustainability, for example). This research wants to investigate the impact of the different roles and postures that consultants can take, such as the rational manager, the committed activist, or the "green change agent”. Their success involves both, creating positive emotional environments among their clients (for example, to create a positive imaginary around climate issues) and channeling their own emotions on this subject that needs to be better understood. The research will focus on field work and direct interactions with consultants.

Exemplary projects and outputs associated with REBOOT:

  • Youth attitudes and practices in responsible investment (Julien Schmitt, in partnership with Credit Cooperatif and Le Monde)

The GROWEN group focuses on questions of growth at the macro-level, but also links them to the micro-level (for example: businesses, employees, consumers). It focuses on the following topics:

  • Assessment of current models and theories: This includes research on the failure of existing models, tools, and theories to deliver sustainability effectively, and exploring new approaches for a post-growth world.
  • Macro-economic targets and micro-level initiatives: Focus on the coordination of micro-level initiatives to meet macro-economic post-growth targets, for example beyond GDP, and the resulting business opportunities, such as the phasing out of fossil fuels and its impact on energy companies.
  • Evidence Reviews: Examine existing post-growth research on effective and politically feasible policy suggestions that could contribute to climate change mitigation. Consider how businesses can adapt to typical post-growth policies like reduced working hours, remote working modes, local tourism, sustainable food production systems, and many others.
  • Role of Growth in Business Sub-Disciplines: Investigate how growth is integrated into business sub-disciplines like supply chain management and marketing, and develop post-growth management theories and practices. This also includes examining entrepreneurial efforts to turn away from practices that effectively contradict sustainability.
  • Strategic Alliances and Business Resilience: Explore the role of strategic alliances among businesses, public sector organizations, and across industries for a post-growth world, and how post-growth affects business resilience.
  • Education and Organizational Culture Regarding Growth: Develop post-growth curricula and pedagogies, and design corresponding tools for teaching and workshops. Additionally, examine how organizations, entrepreneurs, and employees perceive growth and how alternative visions of growth influence consumer culture.

Exemplary projects and outputs associated with GROWEN:

  • Cross-institution initiative on sustainability, in particular climate change: “Nouvel Obs” involving Dauphine, Polytechnique, ENSI les Ateliers, Ecole Normale, and other partners to facilitate student and academic collaboration on business projects related to sustainability (A. Acquier)

Research Highlights

Major research projects

The aim of RESET is to incubate new cross-department and interdisciplinary research within ESCP. But also to further enhance collaborative research projects and grants that bring together researchers from various institutions internationally. Relevant funding formats include doctoral networks, Horizon projects of the European Commission, or the grant schemes of the European Research Council (ERC).

Exemplary collaborative project

PATH4Well-being Project: Paradox Mindset for individual well-being and social impact

  • Overall budget: 1.5 Mio. (for 3 years)
  • International funding institution: NORFACE network & CHANSE
  • National funding institution (Germany): DFG

Principal Investigators: Carolin Waldner (Project Lead; ESCP Business School, Berlin), Stephanie Schrage (CAU Kiel), Nils Fürstenberg (Uni St. Gallen), Camille Pradies (Edhec Lille), Susa Fiedler (WU Wien)

Social purpose organizations (SPOs)—such as social enterprises and non-profits—are pivotal in addressing pressing global challenges, from poverty and inequality to climate change. However, leaders of SPOs face immense pressures and are often torn between self-care and achieving a societal impact, which can lead to burnout, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. The PATH4Well-being Project aims to explore how adopting Paradox Thinking (or: a paradox mindset)—the ability to embrace and navigate opposing demands—can enable these leaders to sustain their well-being while addressing societal ills. The project provides practical tools for leaders to manage tensions and increase their capacity to address societal challenges.

PhD research

Our PhD candidates tackle important research topics spread across the sustainability area. These PhD projects are often built around a common research interest of RESET’s core faculty and they are co-supervised by several of our members, or in collaboration with corporate partners. The aim is to create further integrative links across our European model and between academic and practical impact.

Exemplary PhD projects
  • Socio-ecological paradoxes in societal systems transformations within the circular economy (Grace Avila Casanova; advised by Valentina Carbone, Gorgi Krlev and Carolin Waldner)
  • Design science and entrepreneurship for sustainability impacts in food systems in Africa (Renate Griessel-Duminy, advised by Gorgi Krlev, Christoph Seckler and Alisa Sydow)
  • Carbon accounting and new sustainability management tools (Camille Habe, advised by Aurelien Acquier in collaboration with Carbone 4)
  • Narratives and storytelling for behavioral change (Salomé Laloum, advised by Valentina Carbone and Julien Schmitt)
  • Data-driven sustainability reporting and transformations in businesses (Oualid Mokhantar, advised by Gorgi Krlev in collaboration with Artefact)
  • Brand sustainability perceptions in marketing (Marina Thiébault; advised by Julien Schmitt in collaboration with Square Management)
Waldner, C. J., Schrage, S., & Rasche, A.


Enabling local solutions to global challenges: The interplay between paradox knots and paradox salience in a Non-Governmental Organization working in Uganda.

Organization Studies, 01708406251314586.

Acquier, A., Carbone, V., & Ezvan, C.


Scaling circular economy business models: A capability perspective.

Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.

Foramitti, J., Savin, I., & van den Bergh, J.


How carbon pricing affects multiple human needs: An agent-based model analysis.

Ecological Economics, 217, 13, Article 108070.

Kaufmann, L., Krlev, G., & Brown, M.


In Plain Sight: Mechanisms of means–ends decoupling in impact investing.

Organization Studies, 01708406241295505.

Laasch, O., McLean, C., & Aroles, J.


Responsible Management-as-Process of Smoothing–Striating: Transcending Freedom or Control Contingencies.

Journal of Business Ethics.

Dembek, K., Ludeke-Freund, F., Rosati, F., & Froese, T.


Untangling business model outcomes, impacts and value.

Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(4), 2296-2311.

Figge, F., Dimitrov, S., Schlosser, R., & Chenavaz, R.


Does the circular economy fuel the throwaway society? The role of opportunity costs for products that lose value over time.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 368, 9, Article 133207.

Savin, I., Drews, S., & van den Bergh, J.


Carbon pricing - perceived strengths, weaknesses and knowledge gaps according to a global expert survey.

Environmental Research Letters, 19(2), Article 024014.

Vicdan, H., Ulusoy, E., Tillotson, J. S., Hong, S., Ekici, A., & Mimoun, L.


Food prosumption technologies: A symbiotic lens for a degrowth transition.

Marketing Theory, 24(2), 289-309.

Wilken, R., Schmitt, J., Dost, F., & Bürgin, D.


Does the presentation of true costs at the point of purchase nudge consumers toward sustainable product options?

Marketing Letters, 35(4), 589–602.

Berkowitz, H., Brakel-Ahmed, F., Bussy-Socrate, H., Carton, S., Glaser, A., Irrmann, O., Taskin, L., Ungureanu, P., & Vaujany, F.-X. D.


Organizing Commons in Time and Space with Framapads: Feedback from an Open Community.

Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing, 2(1), 6–11.

Carmagnac, L., Touboulic, A., & Carbone, V.


A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Ambiguous Role of Multistakeholder Meta-Organisations in Sustainable Supply Chains.

Management, 25(4), 45-63.

Dobusch, L., Köster, N., Schäfer, E., & Seckler, C.


Open about organizational failure: A communication perspective on postmortem impression management.

Long Range Planning, 55(6), 102176.

Loi, M., Fayolle, A., van Gelderen, M., Riot, E., Refai, D., Higgins, D., Haloub, R., Salusse, M. A. Y., Lamy, E., Verzat, C., & Cavarretta, F.


Entrepreneurship Education at the Crossroads: Challenging Taken-for-Granted Assumptions and Opening New Perspectives.

Journal of Management Inquiry, 31(2), 123–134.

Laasch, O.


Radicalizing Managers’ Climate Education: Getting Beyond the Bull**** Fairy Tale of Eternal Economic Growth.

Journal of Management Education, 48(1), 110–140.

Nardella, G., Surdu, I., & Brammer, S.


What happens abroad, stays abroad? Exploring how corporate social irresponsibility in domestic and international markets influences corporate reputation.

Journal of World Business, 58(4), Article 101420.

Figge, F., & Thorpe, A. S.


Circular economy, operational eco-efficiency, and sufficiency. An integrated view.

Ecological Economics, 204, 11, Article 107692.

Froese, T., Richter, M., Hofmann, F., & Lüdeke-Freund, F.


Degrowth-oriented organisational value creation: A systematic literature review of case studies.

Ecological Economics, 207, 23, Article 107765.

Drews, S., Savin, I., & van den Bergh, J.


Biased perceptions of other people's attitudes to carbon taxation.

Energy Policy, 167, 10, Article 113051.

Lehmann, C., Delbard, O., & Lange, S.


Green growth, a-growth or degrowth?: Investigating the attitudes of environmental protection specialists at the German Environment Agency.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 336, 130306.




Contributions to major news media, e.g., Le Monde

Contributions to The Conversation

Contributions to EFMD Global Focus Magazine

World Economic Forum

The Choice

Other Major Platforms


Increasing Consumers’ Purchase Intentions Toward Fair-Trade Products Through Partitioned Pricing

Host: R. Wilken

Design fiction : le rôle des médias dans la transition écologique

Host: Aurélien Acquier

“Well actually” series

A 4°C increase is not that bad

Host: Aurelien Acquier

Climate Change Has Always Existed

Host: Valentina Carbone

An Integrated Model of Strategy

Host: G. Krlev

A book highlighting social economy science as a means of addressing the biggest societal challenges

Host: G. Krlev