General Management Programmes

Discover ESCP's Executive Education programmes in General Management.

23 programmes match your search


Cadre supérieur de santé

Dec 2024

Cette formation permet aux cadres supérieurs de santé d’acquérir les fondamentaux du management afin de réussir leur prise de poste


12 jours



Executive MBA (EMBA)

Jan 2025

Leverage your international management career and bridge the gap between your untapped potential and the world-class leader in you.


18 - 36 months


Berlin - London - Madrid - Paris - Turin - Online - Beirut

General Management Programme (GMP)

Jan 2025

This programme equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to ramp up your performance as a leader in world-class organisations.


12 months


Berlin - London - Madrid - Paris - Turin - Online

Executive Development

Jan 2025

Empower your skill set and develop new expertise to improve your career with EMBA-level modules.


4 modules

from €2,700

Berlin - London - Madrid - Paris - Turin - Online

Executive Master in International Business (EMIB)

13 Jan 2025

This online programme will equip you with the skills needed for the many strategic areas of a company trading in international markets. Intakes in January, April and September.

English - French

1 to 3 years (600 hours)



International Business

13 Jan 2025

Enhance your expertise with this Advanced Certificate that focuses on solving real business dilemmas using cutting-edge global management principles. Acquire essential leadership, communication and negotiation skills in a global context. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.

English - French - French & English

1-2 years



International Digital Business

13 Jan 2025

Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to develop key digital business areas such as Digital Transformation of the Company, Digital Marketing and Community Management, Big Data and Business Analytics and Innovation. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.

English - French

1 year



International Operations

13 Jan 2025

Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to use key tools and techniques such as Operations Management in Global Companies, Strategy, International Project Management and Digital Transformation. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.

English - French

1 year



Executive Master Manager Dirigeant

28 Jan 2025

Donnez un nouvel élan à votre carrière en renforçant votre leadership et en développant une vision à 360° de l'entreprise


13 - 18 months



Management et diagnostic d'entreprise

28 Jan 2025

Développez de nouvelles compétences managériales et boostez votre posture de leader pour mieux piloter le changement


20 jours



Manager des projets avec succès

Mar 2025

Maîtrisez les différentes étapes d’un pilotage de projet et managez les équipes projets efficacement


10 jours



Manager en leader

11 Mar 2025

Développez de nouvelles compétences managériales et boostez votre posture de leader afin de faire adhérer vos équipes


10 jours



Manager 4.0

Apr 2025

Anticipez les transformations et l’incertitude, pilotez dans le risque, créez les conditions d'adaptation, d'innovation, d'efficacité et d'autonomie de vos équipes


70 hours



Problem Solving and Decision Making

Jun 2025

This course focuses on business skills that are relevant for any job/industry/organisation, providing valuable input to the participants’ existing foundation for future growth in their professional careers.


3 days



Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (EMDIEL)

Sep 2025

Berlin, London, Shangai, San Francisco, four places for an intensive immersion into digital innovation and entrepreneurship.


18 months


Berlin - London - Shanghai - San Francisco

Global Executive Ph.D.

Oct 2025

The ESCP Global Executive Ph.D. is a programme for senior executives seeking an intellectual challenge worthy of their professional experience.


4 years


Berlin - Madrid - Paris

Management médical – Gestion hospitalière

Oct 2025

Une formation pour médecins, pharmaciens et cadres dirigeants du secteur de la santé, décidés à développer leurs compétences managériales


13 days



Executive Mastère Spécialisé® Manager les organisations à risques

Nov 2025

Renforcez votre posture de manager dans les organisations à risques, faites de la sécurité/sûreté un levier de la performance globale


24 months

€17,000 | €22,500


Management stratégique de l'entreprise

Nov 2025

Développez les concepts et les outils du management stratégique et pilotez la transformation avec succès


10 jours



Strategic Agile Management for Business


A programme that changes mindsets and enables effective results through the mastery of agile methodology.


55 hours

Online - Online

Strategic Project Management


You will acquire a standardisation of management processes, language, tools and techniques to transform any idea-need into a tangible reality.

English - Spanish

40 hours

- Online

Agile Project Management for Business


You will equip you with essential skills to gain deep insight into stakeholder needs, plan and execute complex projects, apply strategic management tools and master Agile techniques to transform ideas into tangible realities.


80 hours



Decision Making: Fast and Easy


Decision making is one of the most important leadership skills, based on simple and directly applicable tools and methods

German & English

15 modules, 90 minutes total

