Oliver is a chaired professor of Responsible Management at ESCP in Berlin, and an adjunct professor in social entrepreneurship at the University of Manchester. He has previously held full-time academic roles at the University of Nottingham Ningbo campus (China), the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), and Seoul National University (South Korea), as well as visiting positions at the University of Tübingen’s Global Ethic Institute and Copenhagen Business School.
Oliver’s research interests lie in responsible management, alternative business models, disruptive activism, research philosophy, and qualitative methods. His work has been published in journals such as Academy of Management Learning and Education, British Journal of Management, Journal of Management Education, Long Range Planning, Organization Studies, Organization and Environment, and the Journal of Business Ethics.
Oliver is a pioneer of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative. His bestselling textbooks have been translated into five languages. Oliver has served as an Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning and Education, an editorial board member of Long Range Planning and the British Journal of Management. He has edited special issues for the British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Organization and Environment, Journal of Management Education, and over 40 books, including the Research Handbook of Responsible Management and the Sage Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education.
Oliver has contributed extensively to practitioner outlets, such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Times Higher Education, and The Conversation. He has worked as a coach and consultant with dozens of companies and universities in staff and faculty development. He has also designed and taught a variety of full courses at bachelor, master, PhD, and executive education levels, including blended and massive open online courses such as the Coursera MOOC “Managing Responsibly”, with an enrolment of around 40,000 students.