Certificate & short programmes
Discover ESCP's Executive Education certificate and short programmes.
46 programmes match your search
Management médical – Gestion hospitalière
Une formation pour médecins, pharmaciens et cadres dirigeants du secteur de la santé, décidés à développer leurs compétences managériales
Soft Skills for Agile Leadership
You will develop and practice new soft skills in a safe environment, through a real case, so that you can implement them in your day-to-day work with your team and colleagues.
Accompagner la transformation digitale des entreprises
Impulsez la transformation digitale au sein de votre entreprise et faites-en un levier d’innovation et de croissance
Manager des projets avec succès
Maîtrisez les différentes étapes d’un pilotage de projet et managez les équipes projets efficacement
Management stratégique de l'entreprise
Développez les concepts et les outils du management stratégique et pilotez la transformation avec succès
Direction commerciale
Mettez en œuvre une stratégie commerciale basée sur la satisfaction de vos clients, la profitabilité de vos ventes et la montée en compétences de vos équipes
RSE : comprendre pour agir
Quels sont les enjeux de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE) et comment déployer efficacement la politique RSE en entreprise.
Cadre supérieur de santé
Cette formation permet aux cadres supérieurs de santé d’acquérir les fondamentaux du management afin de réussir leur prise de poste
Women in Leadership
Join other female leaders in an empowering experience to develop your authentic leadership style, and improve your executive presence, through improvisation classes, video feedback, coaching and peer exercises.
Finance d'entreprise
Maîtrisez les pratiques et les méthodes indispensables de la finance d’entreprise afin de prendre des décisions efficaces pour votre entreprise
Artificial intelligence for business Certificate
The new Artificial Intelligence (AI) for business online certificate is a course that gives you all the keys to understanding AI, its challenges and its impact on organisations.
General Management Programme (GMP)
This programme equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to ramp up your performance as a leader in world-class organisations.
Leadership for Diversity
Empowering purpose-driven women: the programme that enables you to achieve maximum leadership performance in the context of organisational diversity
Executive Development
Empower your skill set and develop new expertise to improve your career with EMBA-level modules.
International Business
Enhance your expertise with this Advanced Certificate that focuses on solving real business dilemmas using cutting-edge global management principles. Acquire essential leadership, communication and negotiation skills in a global context. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.
International Digital Business
Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to develop key digital business areas such as Digital Transformation of the Company, Digital Marketing and Community Management, Big Data and Business Analytics and Innovation. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.
International Finance
Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to use key financial tools and techniques such as Financial Statement Analysis, Cost Accounting, Financial Management, and Managerial Economics. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.
International Marketing
Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to use key tools and techniques of marketing and business fields such as Marketing in a Globalised World, Digital Marketing and Community Management, Digital Transformation and Big Data & Business Analytics. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.
International Operations
Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to use key tools and techniques such as Operations Management in Global Companies, Strategy, International Project Management and Digital Transformation. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.
People and International Organisations Management
This online certificate in People and International Organisations Management offered in French and/or English and comprising four courses allowing you to become an Expert in people management.
Boston innovation trends for family business
The Executive Programme “Boston innovation trends for family business” provides hands-on education that will equip top management in family businesses with an overview of the innovations and practices in the Boston area and provides insights into how to assimilate them into their companies.
Management et diagnostic d'entreprise
Développez de nouvelles compétences managériales et boostez votre posture de leader pour mieux piloter le changement
Leader de l'économie circulaire
Cette formation en blended-learning vous donne les clés académiques et pratiques pour déployer une stratégie d’économie circulaire dans votre entreprise
Management, contrôle interne et maîtrise des risques
Ce programme vise à professionnaliser les équipes de contrôle interne et à contribuer au pilotage de la performance par un système organisé de maîtrise des risques
Certified Human Rights Officer
Get an overview over legal frameworks and tools to establish Human Rights compliant processes within your organisation by leveraging current best practice for risk management, complaints handling, documentation and reporting.
Corporate Inovation Beyond The Core Business
Cultivate effective venture building as a major pillar of corporate innovation activities with our new 12-hour executive training programme.
Marketing digital
Travaillez concrètement sur un plan d'actions marketing en intégrant efficacement le digital dans votre stratégie marketing-communication
ESG and Sustainability for Innovation Leaders
Go beyond compliance and understand how to turn ESG and sustainability into opportunities to lead purpose-driven innovation.
Finance pour non-financiers
Une formation à temps partiel qui vous permet de maîtriser les concepts clés de la gestion financière des entreprises
Manager 4.0
Anticipez les transformations et l’incertitude, pilotez dans le risque, créez les conditions d'adaptation, d'innovation, d'efficacité et d'autonomie de vos équipes
Manager en leader
Développez de nouvelles compétences managériales et boostez votre posture de leader afin de faire adhérer vos équipes
Transformation digitale
Appropriez-vous les nouveaux modèles économiques, identifiez les compétences et les technologies, déployez une stratégie digitale porteuse de croissance
LGBT+ Leadership
Explore and develop your personal leadership profile, practice design thinking and learn about your professional self in a safe space of international LGBT+ talent.
Problem Solving and Decision Making
This course focuses on business skills that are relevant for any job/industry/organisation, providing valuable input to the participants’ existing foundation for future growth in their professional careers.
Finance de marché
Développer vos compétences en gestion d’investissements grâce à une compréhension globale des marchés financiers et à une évaluation précise des titres et produits dérivés.
Global Unicorn Programme in Luxury & Tech
A programme aimed at managers who aspire to be at the vanguard of the digital revolution in technology and luxury
Réussir son bilan carbone et sa stratégie climat d’entreprise
Un programme en partenariat avec WeCount pour accompagner les entreprises dans leur transition bas-carbone et dans la création d’une équipe de « Climat leaders ».
Metaverse for Business
This training course will give you the keys to understanding the new era of digital change that will revolutionise companies
Data Sciences
Comprenez les Data Sciences pour travailler avec les experts, identifiez les opportunités de création de valeur, transformez-les en projets concrets
Cette formation online vise à donner les clés de compréhension et les méthodes de déploiement d’une démarche d’innovation réussie et partagée au sein de l’organisation.
Strategic Agile Management for Business
A programme that changes mindsets and enables effective results through the mastery of agile methodology.
Strategic Project Management
You will acquire a standardisation of management processes, language, tools and techniques to transform any idea-need into a tangible reality.
Agile Project Management for Business
You will equip you with essential skills to gain deep insight into stakeholder needs, plan and execute complex projects, apply strategic management tools and master Agile techniques to transform ideas into tangible realities.
Decision Making: Fast and Easy
Decision making is one of the most important leadership skills, based on simple and directly applicable tools and methods
Moving Tomorrow – An Intercultural Journey
Enhance your intercultural understanding, embark on a virtual journey and train your intercultural competences!
Real Estate Finance and Investments
An in-depth knowledge and practical approach to cutting-edge techniques in real estate finance and investment to confidently pursue a career in the industry.