Berlin Doctoral Programme
A leading player among German business school faculties

- Prof. Dr. Chuanwen Dong, Director of the Berlin Doctoral Programme
Since 2003
Since 2003, when it was granted the right to confer doctoral degrees, ESCP Berlin Campus has offered a European doctoral programme in International Management. The School has set itself the task of providing new generations of university graduates with high-quality postgraduate study, which includes the writing and defence of an outstanding thesis, entitling the author to the academic degree of “Doctor of Business Administration” (Dr. rer. Pol.).
An intensive supervision
An intensive supervision to each doctoral student is an integral part of the programme. The regular period of doctoral study is three years: In the first year several courses are to complete: from philosophy of science to international business. The second and third year are primarily devoted to writing the thesis. The course of study ends with the “disputation”.
The ESCP Berlin Campus has joined the “recommendations for assuring a good scientific practice“ and has decided to adopt the “Regulations for Ensuring Good Research Practice and Dealing with Allegations of Scientific Misconduct
Berlin Doctoral Programe
Europäisches Promotionsstudium in Internationaler Betriebswirtschaftslehre
The regular period of doctoral study is three years.
First Year
In their first year doctoral students take part in block seminars and lectures. The seminars build on the students’ university education and, in addition, coach the methodical and methodological skills needed to successfully write a thesis. The seminars are offered as block courses and have the following thematic priorities:
- International Management
- Theoretical and methodological problems of intercultural / international comparative research
- Research programs in economics
- Methods of the empirical social research
- Theorie of Science
Second and Third Year
The second and third years are primarily devoted to writing the thesis, which takes place in close coordination with the supervising professor. Parallel to this, in the framework of research colloquia, current topics of international business studies and related disciplines are taken up and discussed with regard to both contents and methods. In the colloquia, too, doctoral students regularly report on the progress of their thesis, subjecting their work to critical discussion.
Academic exchange
In order to further academic exchange at the Business School, the participants of the programme take part in workshops with doctoral students from other ESCP campuses. Visits abroad for research purposes, as well as the presentation of research results at international congresses, are encouraged, and receive financial support from the ESCP network. The course of study ends with the “disputation”, the oral defence of the thesis.
Berlin Doctoral Programme application and fees
Application Process and Fees
ESCP expects from its young scientists outstanding academic work and provides an optimal supervisory relationship. Therefore, the approval process for the doctoral program is highly selective. The programme has an annual intake of around ten participants from different courses of study. About 35 doctoral students are currently being supervised at ESCP Berlin Campus.
University degree in Business Administration or Economics
University degree in Business Administration or Economics (Graduate Diploma or Master/Magister) rated good or higher; further requirements apply to graduates of other subjects as well as to applicants from other institutions of higher education. The relevant provisions can be found in our PhD regulations (paragraph 3).
High level of proficiency in English
The seminars of the doctoral programme will be offered entirely in English; proficiency in further languages if research visits abroad are planned.
Step 1
Contact the Academic Chair
Candidates for the program contact the academic chair for the field they are interested in and ask weather a cooperation is possible. The supervision of extra-occupational promotions can be realized.
Step 2
Application Documents
If there is the opportunity to support your research project, application documents need to be submitted. Please use the application form , it includes a list with further documents which are required for a successful application.
Step 3
Admission Interview
Suitable candidates will be invited for an admission interview. Based on the interview and the submitted documents, candidates are suggested to the doctoral board for participating in the doctoral programme which decides on the admission of the candidate.
Annual Fee
(3 years)
Registration Fee
(for admission)
Final exam
In general, these costs are eliminated for research assistants of ESCP Berlin Campus.