Women in Leadership
Professional development for female leaders

Join our career-changing Women in Leadership Programme. Meet aspiring and experienced female leaders during 4 days in Berlin, and become a part of the ESCP network. Through a mixture of immersive exercises, coaching, peer feedback, and lectures, you will hone your authentic leadership style, build your executive presence and improve your negotiation skills.

  • Reflect on yourself and hone your authentic leadership style
  • Build your executive presence with video feedback and improvisation techniques
  • Learn how to influence and negotiate business situations
  • Grow through executive coaching and targeted exercises
  • Push your career to the next level
  • Become part of a diverse network of female leaders

This programme is designed for female leaders and entrepreneurs. It is also ideal for female talents aspiring to take on leadership roles.

What makes our ESCP Women in Leadership Programme so unique?

We have designed our female leadership programme by women, for women. During four days on-site in Berlin, you will engage in debates, and share experiences. Immersing yourself in interactive exercises and coaching will help you quickly establish trust with other participants.

A comfortable ambience allows you to reflect on your experiences, strengths and challenges. This environment provides you with a safe space to hone your leadership style and skills. It also provides room to focus on unique challenges female leaders face, especially in traditionally male organisations and industries.

The trust and relationships you establish during the programme extend beyond the four days on campus. Virtual follow-up sessions, peer support, and community events ensure that your journey to growth continues.

The programme gave me a lot of insights, in particular how to develop a more powerful leadership style and improve my executive presence. There is also one learning I would share about negotiation effectiveness: “Ask what you want!” That makes clear where you want to go and what you want to achieve.

Elena Franzosi, Country HR Manager at Smurfit Kappa Italia, LinkedIn

This experience was both fascinating and enriching, broadening my perspective and understanding. The Professors and workshop leaders designed engaging courses that were thought-provoking and rich in content. I found the whole experience extremely valuable for my own personal professional growth.

Jenny O‘Fee, Primary School Principal  at Berlin Metropolitan School gGmbH, LinkedIn

The leadership seminar has been enriching on both a professional and personal level. Thank you so much for the experience!"

Veronika-Adriane Posch, Lead Marketing at MILES Mobility GmbH, LinkedIn

At Mazars, we are working together with ESCP to empower, inform, develop and support women in leadership positions. We strongly believe in diversity.

Dr. Friederike Hohenstein, Head of People Development, Mazars Germany, LinkedIn

Inspiring. Empowering. Fun. Group coaching was an especially unique opportunity to receive detailed feedback, advice and insights for my specific question from a very experienced, strong and inspiring personality.

Elena Borgardt, Director, Deloitte Germany, LinkedIn

This programme was a life changer, especially when it comes to the executive presence and negotiation modules. Brainstorming, exchanging ideas, and discussing with experts in a spirit of kindness and empathy, helped me understand and overcome challenges that I had been struggling with for months.

Justine Tabarin, Sustainability Lead at Criteo, LinkedIn

Benefit for participants

1 Hone your own, authentic leadership style during interactive sessions
2 Improve your leadership presence with video feedback and improvisation techniques
3 Learn how to influence and negotiate business situations in a safe space
4 Expand your network and build lasting relationships during the programme and at a special community event
5 Benefit from the advice of top executive coaches and your peers during a full day of coaching
6 Work on your personal development plan to tackle your next professional challenge

Benefits for organisations

Talent Pipeline: Cultivate a strong pipeline of female talent
Retain High-Potential Leaders: Keep talented female leaders within the organisation
Inclusive Culture: Support the implementation of an inclusive workplace
Enhance Employer Branding: Boost visibility and credibility as a diversity and inclusion-focused employer

For more details please download our brochure


Prof. Dr. Marion Festing - Academic Director of the Talent Management Institute - ESCP

Prof. Dr. Marion Festing

As Academic Director of the Talent Management Institute, Marion combines the latest insights from research with her own leadership experience gained as Dean of ESCP Berlin Campus.
Prof. Dr. Katharina Balazs - Executive coach and professor for leadership - ESCP

Prof. Dr. Katharina Balazs

Katharina, executive coach and professor for leadership, has worked with executives from global organisations and various countries.
Prof. Heidi Stopper - Board member at a MDAX company

Prof. Heidi Stopper

Heidi brings in her experience as a female leader and board member (among others at a MDAX company) and her expertise as a top executive coach and consultant.
Christin Mey - certified trainer, business coach, research associate and lecturer at ESCP

Susanne Kortendick

Susanne has more than 30 years of experience in top management positions in major international companies, and a doctorate in the field of behavioral sciences.
Kaya Rauker

Kaya Räuker

As a lawyer, mediator and communication trainer with a passion for theater, Kaya combines practical experience and psychological insights regarding workplace performance and leadership with elements of acting methods.

Programme Highlights

  • Leadership self-assessment combined with an interactive group session
  • Leadership presence exercises with peer and video feedback
  • Improvisation workshop
  • Interactive sessions on power, influence and negotiations
  • Session on networking combined with a community evening event
  • Peer coaching in small groups with a top executive coach
  • Online sessions a few weeks after the programme to enhance the learning transfer

Customised Programmes

We are experienced in adapting the Women in Leadership Programme exactly to the context and needs of a specific organisation. We can offer the seminar exclusively for the female leaders and high potentials of your company.

Are you interested in other programmes to push diversity in your organisation? We also offer an Unconscious Bias Workshop. This workshop emphasises the advantages of diversity and is right for everyone interested in uncovering their unconscious thinking patterns.

Do you have any questions? Please contact Denise Tarbuch.

Billie Burns, Global Head of Career & Leadership Development @ BearingPoint

We have been working with the ESCP Business School for many years. Because of the great success of the Female Leadership Programme, we have recently increased the number of training sessions. ESCP's experience and customer focus ensure that after the programme our employees are highly motivated to tackle the next challenges and feel empowered by what they have learned in terms of leadership presence, communication and networking.

Billie Burns, Global Head of Career & Leadership Development at BearingPoint, LinkedIn

Julien Vallette Viallard, HR VP at Air Liquide

We’ve worked with the ESCP Business School in the framework of our internal programme supporting women from the early stage of their career and reinforcing inclusion awareness among employees, both women and men. The feedback we gathered really shows the level of satisfaction and the quality of the content proposed by ESCP and Prof. Marion Festing. We look forward to continuing our collaboration to keep the momentum and do more on diversity and inclusion.

Julien Vallette Viallard, HR VP at Air Liquide, LinkedIn

Fundamentals of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Understanding and applying emotional intelligence, integrating it into leadership practice.

Véronique Tran

Prof. Dr. Véronique Tran
ESCP Business School

Watch the recording


(Aspiring) female leaders, such as business and functional managers, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, project managers, and specialists, with a minimum of three years of work experience.



Continue with the EMBA

If you also want to attend our Executive MBA programme (EMBA), costs and attendance are transferable. Contact us for more details!

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Page Last Modified : 14/01/2025