Student Services
On each ESCP campus, you'll find a team able to help and guide you for your visas and residence permits, your accommodation, your health and personal insurance coverage, your scholarships, your student cards, your health, your career-related projects, but also for sports activities and more.
A VISA is what allows you to enter the country where you will be studying. It is recommended that you begin the visa process two to three months before your date of departure. You can begin the process by going directly to the relevant Embassy in your home country or your place of residence.
Residence Permits
A RESIDENCE PERMIT is what allows you to stay in the country after your arrival. You must apply for your residence permit upon your arrival to the country. The UK is the only exception to this rule as residence permits do not exist. ESCP will help you through the process of securing your residence permit.
Specific Formalities
Visas and Residence Permits
If you are staying in Germany for longer than 90 days, and do not already have a visa or residence permit from another EU Schengen member state, you need to apply for a visa two months before your departure by contacting your nearest German Embassy.
If you already have a valid visa or residence permit from another EU Schengen member state or if you enter Germany without a visa (Andorra, Australia, Brazil, Canada, El Salvador, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, San Marino, South Korea or the USA), you must apply for a German residence permit within the 90 days following your arrival.
You may consult the Federal Foreign Office website. for further information.
Post-Brexit Study in the UK
If you wish to study for more than six months at degree level (e.g. Bachelor in Management, Master in Management, Specialised Masters) and do not already live in the UK or have rights under the Withdrawal Agreement, you will need to meet specific requirements and apply through the PBS (Student Visa Point-Based System) to do so. You might need to pass relevant checks, including UK criminal record checks.
Low-Risk Nationals can continue to visit the UK for up to six months without applying for a visa and may participate in a wide range of activities including tourism, visiting family and friends, and short-term study (e.g. MBA in International Management). You can cross the UK Border using a passport valid for the whole time you are in the UK.
Irish citizens’ status will continue to be protected as part of Common Travel Area arrangements and therefore will not require permission to come to the UK except in a very limited number of circumstances, and Irish citizens will not be required to apply under the new points-based immigration system.
For more information on the points-based immigration system, EU students can download this guide.
General information on obtaining a Student Visa for Non UK/EU students can be found here.
General information on obtaining a Standard Visitor Visa for Non UK/EU students coming to London for one semester can be found here.
Can EU students coming to study in London for one semester use the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) in the UK?
Students coming to the UK from an EU country to study for one semester who fall ill or have a medical emergency during a temporary stay in England can use a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by their home country to access healthcare. Planned treatment is not covered by the EHIC.
Students coming to study for more than six months, including EU residents, will need to apply for a Student visa. As a part of the application, they will pay an Immigration Healthcare Surcharge and have access to NHS services during their stay.
The documentation required to travel to Spain varies according to the country of origin.
- If you are a citizen of an EU country, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein, you will need a valid passport or ID card.
- If you come from another country, you are required to have a valid current visa in order to enter Spain. Please consult the information updated on the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Please contact the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in your residence country at least three months before your departure to get all the information about the visa process (deadlines, supporting documents to provide etc.).
Residence Permits
If you plan on staying in Spain for longer than six months, you need to apply within 30 days after your arrival on Madrid Campus for a Tarjeta de estudiante extranjero (Foreign Student Card).
Visas and Residence Permits
There are different kinds of visas available in France. The procedure for getting a residence permit varies based on what kind of visa you obtain.
Please contact the French Consulate or Campus France in your residence country at least three months before your departure to get all the information about the visa process (deadlines, supporting documents to provide etc.).
Students from the European Union and the European Economic Area do not need a visa.
Non-European students must apply to:
Long-Term Study Visa ( Visa de long séjour pour études – VLS-TS)
This visa is the one you need if you will be in France, on the Paris Campus of ESCP for one semester, or one academic year.
In some particular cases, a long-term study temporary visa can be issued. It will last up to six months and is non-renewable.
Once you have obtained your relevant visa, you must apply for your French Residence Permit (Carte de Séjour), within two months following your arrival at the Paris Campus. The Student Affairs Office on the Paris campus will help you with that OFII process once you are in Paris.
Specific Visa for Pre-Master Non-EU Students
Visa “Entry Exam” (or “étudiant-concours”)
You have applied for this visa if you took our admission exam in France.
With this specific visa, you will be able to apply for a renewable one-year resident permit without coming back in your home country.
Check here with Ministero degli Esteri if you need a Visa and the documentation required.
Your Visa should be for study purpose (type D).
We recommend that you contact the Consulate closest to your residence three months in advance to ask for a complete list of documents needed.
Usually, these are requested:
- Visa application form
- Photos
- Passport and copies of your previous visas (your passport must have a least two blank pages)
- Travel medical insurance confirmation of minimum 30,000 € coverage within Italy and the entire Schengen area
- Means of subsistence (the financial statement, proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay)
- ESCP Turin Campus Certificate of enrolment (ask for it at
Residence Permits
A residence permit (permesso di soggiorno per motivi di studio) is mandatory if you are a non-European student staying in Italy longer than 90 days.
The residence permit is issued by the local Police Department (Questura - Ufficio Stranieri) of the student’s living town in Italy.
The Student Experience Office will support you for the entire procedure, they will contact you at the beginning of the academic year with instructions.
Financing Your Studies
Evaluate the total costs of your studies
Please take into account the cost of living on the different campuses. The information provided is purely indicative since costs will vary depending upon type of accommodation and lifestyle.
Berlin | London | Madrid | Paris | Turin | |
Accommodation | |||||
€750 | £1,400 | €1,200 | €900 | €700 | |
Living costs | |||||
€450 | £600 | €400 | €625 | €300 | |
Transport and Leisure | |||||
€250 | £400 | €400 | €400 | €300 | |
Estimated Total | |||||
€1,450 | £2,400 | €2,000 | €1,925 | €1,300 |
- ESCP scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit or financial need, and your course of study at ESCP.
- ESCP Scholarships cover only tuition fees; scholarship award amounts are deducted from the tuition fee bill.
- ESCP Scholarships may not, in any way, constitute living expenses.
For more information on the scholarship process and deadlines, please see your programme’s webpage.
If you are in the Master in Management programme and studying on the Paris campus, it is possible to acquire a one or two-year apprenticeship. In order to apply, students must be fluent in French and no older than 30 years old at the time the apprenticeship contract is signed.
If you are offered an apprenticeship, in addition to your salary, your company will also pay your tuition.
Working part-time may sound overwhelming when adding it to a full study load, but it does not have to be. You can find something you are good at or have a curiosity about and use that interest to make the time you spend earning, enriching as well. For example, you may know how to play a musical instrument but never find the time to practice or to play a few tunes. Why not begin giving private music lessons to share your knowledge with someone else while getting paid for your practice time? This is just one of the numerous part-time work possibilities you can begin to explore.
Here are a few of the most popular paths to supplement your income, to get your thoughts flowing:
- tutoring
- waiting tables/bartending
- deliveries (Deliveroo, Ubereats)
- driver (Uber, Kaptain)
- child-minding
- pet care
You can always contact the staff on campus for more information and advice.
ESCP has partnerships and is working with banks to help students when arriving at one of our campuses.
Attention! Bank loans are only given to residents of the bank’s country!
In order to have more information, contact your campus’ Student Affairs office.
Are you looking for accommodation?
Every ESCP student receives -when admitted to the school- a Welcome Pack with a lot of practical information in it, including a full Housing Guide describing all the possibilities, offers and services on each ESCP campus.
Also, note that ESCP students have preferential access to housing platforms with offers displayed for them.
You can always contact your campus Student Affairs team for more information about your campus' accommodation possibilities.
Arranging a Disability Access Plan at ESCP
See this page in:
ESCP Business School's policy is to provide access to all its programmes to any student with a disability or health condition.
Arranging a disability access plan is possible for all ESCP students, whatever the programme, general education (MiM, Bachelor, MS, MBA in IM, Doctoral Programme ...) or continuing education (Executive Education), and whatever the campus (Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin, Warsaw).
An adjustment of studies will make it possible to provide alternative arrangements to compensate for a disability or illness. This adjustment must be reasonable, based on your specific circumstances and compatible with the means available within the School. The medical center services are confidential. If needed, the disability access plan may be renewed every academic year.
Once you have been admitted and as soon as possible, contact the dedicated team to arrange an appointment.
- Berlin campus - London campus - Madrid, Paris and Turin campuses: or on the Prevana platform
Examples of special arrangements for exams:
- Extra time
- Use of the Schools computers
- Use of a personal computer after being checked by staff to ensure that they are free from any material giving an unfair advantage in the examination
- Assistive technology, or use of specialist software or equipment
WARNING! The schooling arrangement is valid for one academic year only, except for special cases*. As soon as it is put in place, the information will be given to the student.
The arrangement is renewable each academic year after review by the medical centre. However, this renewal is not automatic and must be requested each year by the student.
Public Accessibility Register is available at the reception or at the security post.
London, Madrid, Paris and Turin ESCP Campuses are accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Mise en place d’un aménagement de scolarité à ESCP
Consultez cette page en:
La politique de ESCP Business School est de permettre l’accès à tous ses programmes d’études à tout étudiant en situation de handicap ou souffrant d’une maladie invalidante.
La mise en place d’un aménagement de scolarité est possible pour tous les étudiants de ESCP Business School, quel que soit son programme, formation initiale ( MiM, Bachelor, MS, MBA in MiM, Doctorat …) ou la formation continue (Executive Education) sur tous les campus de ESCP Business School (Berlin, Londres, Madrid, Paris, Turin, Varsovie).
Afin de compenser une situation de handicap ou une maladie invalidante, l’aménagement de scolarité permettra à l’étudiant de poursuivre sereinement son cursus académique. L’aménagement doit être raisonnable, pérenne dans le temps et en adéquation avec les modalités de fonctionnement de l’école, afin que l’étudiant ne subisse pas de difficultés supplémentaires. Toutes les données personnelles médicales sont conservées de manière confidentielle. Si nécessaire, l’aménagement de scolarité peut être renouvelé chaque année académique.
Dès vous avez été admis et le plus rapidement possible, contactez l'équipe dédiée pour fixer un rendez-vous.
- Campus de Berlin - Campus de Londres - Campus de Madrid, Paris et Turin ou sur la plateforme Prevana
Exemples d'aménagements spéciaux pour les examens :
- Temps majoré
- Mise à disposition d’un ordinateur de l’école
- Utilisation de son propre ordinateur, calculatrice après vérification par un chargé de programme ou surveillant
- Utilisation d’un logiciel spécifique à un handicap, agrandissement de la police de caractère
ATTENTION ! L’accord d’aménagement de scolarité est valable une année académique seulement, sauf cas particulier*. Cette information est communiquée à l’étudiant dès réception de son accord d’aménagement et de la mise en place des aménagements.
Celui-ci peut être renouvelé chaque année (après étude du dossier médical) si cela est nécessaire, mais le renouvellement n’est pas automatique. Il doit absolument être demandé par l’étudiant lui-même.
Le Registre public d'accessibilité est disponible au poste d'accueil ou de sécurité.
Les campus ESCP de Londres, Madrid, Paris et Turin sont accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite.
The careers service
Focused on your career
The ESCP Careers Service helps you to identify your professional objectives to ensure your career prospects. Located on each of the six ESCP campuses, the Careers service provides you with the advice, data and tools to connect you to companies.
Through the combination of the Careers Service, the Alumni Association and job fairs, ESCP receives 20,000 internship offers and 30,000 job opportunities each year.
Acquire new skills and attributes
Through the Careers Service, you will benefit from :
- Career workshops and individual coaching to achieve your professional objectives
- Company presentations, seminars, conferences, roundtables and interviews with recruiters
- On-campus generalist and industry-specific job fairs on the different campuses attracting over 130 companies throughout the year
- Bootcamps on Consulting, Banking, Tech and Marketing led by ESCP Alumni on how to be recruited by the leading companies in these sectors
- Personality and logic tests to: identify your strengths and motivations, aid your reflection on your career plan, train yourself using practical guides and tutorials, prepare yourself for interview.
What do we do?
Our Corporate Relations and Careers Service staff:
- Assist students in identifying their career goals
- Inform and advise students as to career opportunities
- Post-employment opportunities offered by companies on the ESCP Intranet
- Organise special events (e.g. recruitment fairs) to foster the relationship between students and businesses
Connecting Businesses & Students
Blue Factory

Blue Factory ESCP guides entrepreneurs, students and graduates from the initial idea to the international development of their projects. Discover our three programmes: Start, Seed and Scale that are made for every step of the entrepreneurial journey.