Support the development of a team-based management
- 3 co-designed modules with an international vision (managers from all over the world, a single programme, 2 language groups, 60% of the common training in English)
- 3 management fields: team management, change management and performance management.
- 12 days of training over 9 months to share experience with peers from all over the world.
Why this programme?

EXPAND offers LISI AEROSPACE managers the opportunity to meet, exchange experience and develop their managerial practices. ESCP provides solid proposals, high-quality speakers and professors with international backgrounds; that’s what made the difference. The programme coordination, with a dedicated project manager who takes the assessment and improvement of the programme to heart, is indeed a great asset for the School.
The EXPAND programme is a real success. For the moment, the results are only noticeable at an individual level: each participant has grown during the programme and has acquired a better understanding of the company and their peers.
Some have continued their “Peer Coaching” after the programme; everybody recommends this to their peers and collaborateurs. What amazing proof of the relevance of the programme! “Ambitious” is the best adjective to describe this programme. The launch was a gamble. Each time, we have to reach out to two different language groups, sending the same messages with sublety and depth. It wasn’t easy, but we did it!
What the participants liked
“The overall EXPAND path was a bit challenging. It was effective in providing insight for management effectiveness“
“Very positive training experience“
“Good balance“
“A lot of best practices exchanges between participants enriching the training“
The Academic Director’s point of view
This observation has encouraged LISI AEROSPACE and ESCP to opt for a totally international training. Thus, EXPAND participants consist of two groups, one Francophone, the other Anglophone, to enable everyone to enjoy the educational content in their native language while being together regularly in training sessions and also during moments of conviviality. This is the major pedagogical originality of this programme, that I have had the pleasure of managing since 2011.
In addition, it is very challenging to work with LKI, the LISI AEROSPACE company university. We share similar teaching approaches. Also, the anchoring of learning is one of our major concerns. Each participant keeps a logbook thoughtout the training: it is used to record areas of personal development and can be helpful when returning to work environment. It will be the right tool to transition from thought to action when when writing a document called the “MAP” (My Action Plan).
At the end of each EXPAND module the participant reflects on the connection between the module and the skills and managerial behaviour identified by the COMEX of LISI AEROSPACE. Several months after the programmes end, the participants meet their Manager and the HR Development Manager of LISI AEROSPACE for feedback on the programme.
Robert PIRET,