Executive Master in
Industrial Transformation
Be a flexible thinker, an effective leader and a leading-edge professional in the 4th industrial revolution.

Programme Objectives 

  • 1Strategic thinking and leading technological and organisational change
  • 2Actively contributes to the development of Industry 4.0 solutions
  • 3Understand the main implications of technological changes in production systems
  • 4Manage complex and technologically advanced portfolios of supplies and suppliers
  • 5Take on new leadership challenges while creating developments in new manufacturing systems

Teacher. Giovanni
Operations Management and Business Transformation,

Ezio-FREGNAN - Comau

Academy Director
& HR Training Manager,

In an increasingly automated and digital world, the winners will be companies which can equip their people with unique and cross-disciplinary capabilities.

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The traditional model of academia is to progress from extensive research of events and social phenomena to produce actionable theories, tools and frameworks to better understand today’s challenges. In a "VUCA" world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous), this traditional approach is not enough. The fourth industrial revolution and digital transformation of both manufacturing and supply chains are happening now. Changes will increase exponentially.

The Executive Master in Industrial Transformation (EMIT) is designed to equip those managing industrial organisations to lead them through the challenges and opportunities these technologies can create, solve or unlock.

The programme fuses the humanistic and entrepreneurial tradition of ESCP and Comau’s advanced disruptive  technologies.   The   EMIT  delivers value to our partner companies through offering their  managers  the  skills  and  support  they   need to act now for a future-proof tomorrow. Participants engage with industry professionals and will experience lectures, workshops, company visits and labs. During the programme the participants develop and apply directly to their companies the knowledge, skills and mindset to navigate high- impact and innovative projects.


Key Facts

  • A flexible, 14-month, part-time programme including six week long modules
  • Three core components for each module: Management, Technology and Leadership
  • Study in two different countries: United Kingdom and Italy
  • Taught entirely in English
  • 260 classroom hours and 80 hours of distance learning
  • Company Project focused on automation and digital transformation opportunities
  • Delivered by world-renowned faculty and industry practitioners
  • A programme created and run in conjunction with Comau Academy
  • Hands-on practical approach


In Partnership with Comau Academy

Comau is a worldwide leader in delivering advanced industrial automation products and systems, with a strong focus on innovation. Comau designs and develops advanced technology solutions and products driving the future of digital manufacturing.

Comau Academy faculty and trainers are from all over the world. They belong to an international network with more than 2,000 automation and digital transformation experts, 2,000 manufacturing specialists, and 300 international trainers working and teaching in different areas of the company.

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Comau Academy offers a vast range of training programmes and workshops focused on Digital Transformation, Manufacturing Automation, Robotics, and Project and People Management. These training programmes gather the most advanced learning resources to develop the technical and managerial competencies needed to face the new production challenges in the digital transformation era.

Comau Academy’s programmes are dedicated to inspiring companies, professionals, young talents, universities and schools. Its results-oriented educational approach and intensive hands-on learning programmes are based on the same methods applied on a daily basis within Comau for the development of its people and projects.

More about Comau…

In addition to a vast range of modular, flexible and highly-configurable products, Comau offers interconnected digital service solutions able to transmit, elaborate, analyse and process data, thereby increasing efficiency for smart manufacturing.

Comau has over 45 years of experience and an international network of 36 locations, 15 manufacturing plants, and 5 innovation centres that span 17 countries and employ more than 9,000 people.


Marco VARANESE - Executive Master in Manufacturing Automation and Digital Transformation - ESCP

Head of Strategic Investments Planning,
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Class of 2018

The programme provides a basic understanding of the key elements of automation and digital transformation, never losing the business management perspective, for which outstanding classroom sessions are provided.

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This is one of the most appreciated elements that characterises the programme. It offers a practical approach to the continuous alternation of technological insight (robotics, big data, additive manufacturing, internet of things, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, blockchain) and business fundamentals (business strategy, finance for technology, entrepreneurship, operation strategy and management). The programme is also enhanced through visits to companies that are already moving forward with the Industry 4.0 revolution.”


For more information download the brochure




In partnership with Comau Academy

Executive Master in
Industrial Transformation
An integrated and comprehensive programme to enhance your current experience to become a leader of the future

The objectives of the modules are to help you think strategically about leading-edge technology while implementing organisational change. Increase your understanding of the main implications of technological change in production systems and take on new leadership challenges while delivering creativity and innovation.

Our flexible à la carte configuration means you can choose the program that is right for your team, at the pace that works for them. From our Integrated 14-month Executive Master's degree programme to a combination of our six independent "stackable" modular micro-certificates.*

*Micro-certificates can be achieved through in-person or online learning.

EXECUTIVE MASTER IN INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION (EMIT) 90 ECTS | Online & face-to-face attendance | 6 Modules + e-learning & Capstone project work

Week 1

Strategy 4.0

Industry 4.0 - Technology Overview
  • Business Strategy
  • An Overview of I4.0 is Today
  • Industrial Transformation: Key Concepts and Best Practices
  • Deep tech innovation: Foresights
Tech Labs:
  • Key Technologies for Digital Transformation in Manufacturing
Company Visits

Week 2


Product & Process Innovation - Additive Manufacturing
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Generative Design
  • Immersive Design
  • Virtual Insurance
  • Design for new materials
Tech Labs
  • Intelligent Design
Company Visits
Project Review

Week 3


Scale-Up and Industrialization - Internet of Things
  • Operations
  • Strategy/Mgt Agile
  • Project Management
  • Industrial IoT
  • Digital TwinMES 4.0 and Edge Computing
  • IoT Platforms
  • PredictiveMaintenance
  • Factory 2050
Company Visits
Project Review

Week 4

Enterprise 4.0

Supply Chain - Big Data and AI
  • Coporate Finance
  • Digital Product Management
  • AI and Big Data Analytics
  • Cybersecurity
  • Manufacturing Systems
  • Flexible Factory (Exploring New Battery Designs)
Company Visits
Project Review

Week 5

Supply Chain 4.0

People and Change - Robotics
  • Supply ChainManagement
  • Digital Eco-systems
  • Block Chain
  • Connected Objects
  • Resource Efficiency and Emission Reduction
  • Smart Materials
  • Smart Materials and Experimental Design for Process Innovation
Company Visits
Project Work

Week 6

Work 4.0

People and Change - Robotics
  • People and Change Management
  • Intelligent Automation
  • Collaborative robots
  • AGVs
  • COMAU - The EdO Experience
Company Visits
Project Work

***TechLabs are available for Face-toFace participants only

ADVANCED SPECIALISED CERTIFICATE 48 ECTS | Online & face -to-face attendance | 6 modules

This option offers all 6 modules excluding the capstone project and e-learning training.

SPECIALISED CERTIFICATE 36 ECTS | Online & face -to-face attendance | 3 modules

Choose any combination of 3 modules from the 6 modules available to make your own personalized specialised certificate.

MICO- CERTIFICATE 12 ECTS | Online & face -to-face attendance | 1 module

Choose any 1 module from the 6 modules available.

Andrea ANFOSSO - Executive Master in Manufacturing Automation and Digital Transformation - ESCP

Head of Innovation Design Project Management,
Class of 2018

This practical course offered me an unforgettable experience…”

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I was introduced to the EMIT through my company. I was invited to be part of this unique program with the full support of my employer. I was not sure what to expect from the program, yet after the first module it was clear how this would transform my career and vision on digital transformation. I had the opportunity to be in touch with companies, business partners and professionals, who shared the same learnings the program exposed us to .”


For more information download the brochure




In partnership with Comau Academy

Executive Master in
Industrial Transformation


Oskar LINDBLAD - Executive Master in Manufacturing Automation and Digital Transformation - ESCP

FT&E Body Robots Manager,
Volvo Car Corporation
Class of 2018

We have put the people behind the scenes and seen what is going on! I recommend the EMIT programme. It can be demanding, but it is worth it!

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We are in the middle of the smart industry movement and EMIT has given me an insight of the technical development connected to the smart industry. I have received tools and knowledge that help me understand and lead change in a fast-changing environment. Now I feel that I will be able to lead change through an innovative and strategic approach. I have especially enjoyed getting to know other people from different parts of Europe. The mix of practice, theory, teamwork, project work and company visits has been fresh and inspiring .”

Kate PAVEY - Executive Master in Manufacturing Automation and Digital Transformation - ESCP

(United Kingdom)
Sales Account Manager,
Class of 2018

Discussing new ideas and technology with my classmates has opened up a world of opportunity I would never have known about before EMIT.

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The highlight of this course was the combination of business strategy with technology. Being guided through methods to analyse the complete manufacturing process while considering  key external influences has given me an invaluable framework to develop innovative solutions for my customers. The course gave me a chance to meet many like-minded individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and industries.”

Daniele DILIBERTO - Executive Master in Manufacturing Automation and Digital Transformation - ESCP

Deputy Plant Manager,
Magneti Marelli
Class of 2018

Using the words of Benjamin Franklin: ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’. This is the real spirit of EMIT.

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What convinced me to choose the EMIT was the very clear value proposition,  one  with  a  variety  of  tailored  subjects   designed to integrate and boost my managerial competencies. The programme’s action-driven  learning  style  motivated  my  class  to engage and be part of a well-rounded experience. What I liked the most was the faculty, who stimulated us as a class to think differently. Several times my well-established beliefs were turned upside down, while also discovering new ways I could understand the industry.”

Francesco CARDANO - Executive Master in Manufacturing Automation and Digital Transformation - ESCP

Francesco CARDANO
Body Shop Supervisor,
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA)
Class of 2018

I found that this programme was essential for my personal growth while also enriching my professional network among a culturally diverse group.

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When I started working at FCA, I felt there was a need to find innovative solutions that would increase the productivity of projects developed. When I learned that an Executive Master focused on automation and digital transformation management was available, I knew it was the right program for me. This programme allowed me to get all the necessary instruments and expertise to innovate and create truly powerful changes in my company. In addition to acquiring new expertise.”


For more information download the brochure




In partnership with Comau Academy

Executive Master in
Industrial Transformation


Admission Requirements

Applicants can be company-sponsored or self-funded. There is no difference in the application process for either option. To join the programme, applicants will be selected via a specific assessment process featuring tests and interviews. The following pre-requisites for application apply:

  • A previous university degree:
    Bachelor, Master or equivalent degree (preferably in engineering or technology based discipline, or any other discipline with relevant work experience in a technology, manufacturing or engineering sector or industry)
  • 8 years of relevant professional experience
  • Proficiency in English *

* For non-native English speakers , we require the following minimum scores:
TOEFL written test: 600; TOEFL IBT: 100, TOEFL computer-based: 250; IELTS: 7. Candidates who can prove that they have earned a university degree taught entirely in English or those who lived or worked in an English country or company could receive a language proficiency test waiver.


Admissions procedure

Step 1: Complete Your Online Application

Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. As places on the program are limited, we therefore advise you to submit your application as early as possible. Complete your online application .

The main elements of the application include:

  • Copies of diplomas/bachelor/master degrees
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Copy of Passport or ID
  • Two reference letters 
  • Funding Statement Form (if applicable)
  • Photo in jpeg or png format

Step 2: Admission Interview

Each candidate will be interviewed by a jury panel including the Program Directors. An online interview can be offered to candidates if required.

Step 3: Offer Confirmation

Admission decisions are sent out by email within 4 weeks of the submission of the application.




In partnership with Comau Academy

Executive Master in
Industrial Transformation
Fees & Financing



Tuition for the program is set at the below rates for the 2023 intake 

  • Executive Master in Industrial Transformation: £21,000
  • Advanced Specialised Certificate: £11,500
  • Specialised Certificate: £8,500
  • Micro Certificate: £3,100
  • There is a non-refundable application fee of €250 for all applicants

Tuition fees include:

  • 360 teaching hours
  • Basic books and documentation

The following costs are not included:

  • Travel
  • Accommodation


We offer five categories of scholarships to participants entering the EMIT in 2023. These are available for the following participant categories:

  • Women in leadership
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Those working for NGO/Not-for-profit organisations
  • Those working in a Small or Medium Sized Enterprises (SME: less than 250 employees)
  • Individuals based in Emerging Markets

Scholarship applications must be submitted together with the program application. Please contact Mei Cheng for more information.


For more information download the brochure




In partnership with Comau Academy

Executive Master in
Industrial Transformation
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Page Last Modified : 13/09/2024