Savencia fromage & dairy - HR Excellence
Support the development of skills and expertise of Human Resources teams
"Everything starts with men and women; it is they who make our company, the quality of its products and its results."
These are the terms used by Jean-Paul Torris in June 2014 when he inaugurated the HR Excellence programme of the Savencia fromage & dairy: a training programme designed for all the HR professions, namely 150 employees in France and worldwide.
A 2-week programme incorporating a series of projects.
Why this programme?
Since 2008, Savencia has built Excellence programmes for each of the business sectors. The “HR Excellence”, which was launched in June, is aimed at all of the HR division; nearly 150 employees. Among the key messages to the HR community are: be recognised for your expertise; know how to position yourself in new strategic territories and last but not least, always listen to people, understand them ... and love them!
This programme aims to:
- promote the values of Soparind Bongrain
- develop the skills of HR employees
- foster the development of professional networks

“As an alumnus of ESCP, I would like to commend the academic cooperation shown in this programme. Firstly, as I have total confidence in the quality of teaching at ESCP. But also because I noted that in the particular domain of Executive Education, this School has known how to create a real offer of services which stands out due to its capacity to really create a ‘customised’ programme based on the significant needs of our HR professionals.”
J.P TORRIS, ESCP, Year of 1974, Vice-president Bongrain Ltd.

We are perfectly in line with needs while promoting the necessary perspective, which is an essential quality in HR.
We were looking for a School that, beyond giving us the quality of its Faculty, shares our perception of what "customised" means. A co-construction process bears fruit only if it is part of logic of cross-fertilization. I want to emphasise on this occasion the quality of the preparatory phase as an essential element in a successful customised programme.
Pragmatism was also a determining factor. The choice of introducing Business Consulting Projects, which are deeply rooted in operational issues, enhance the impact of this training. “No pre-established model but a cursor to be placed according to the perimeter”: a participant thus highlights ESCP's ability to help deepen reflection rather than simply deliver ready-made solutions. I think that we made the right choice!
The HR function can only be efficient if it is able to understand the Group's specificities in terms not only of sociological realities but also its economic strategies. Furthermore, in a decentralised Group, sharing knowledge and methodologies and strengthening cross-functional links are more than ever an HR performance lever. I strongly believe in the power of practice exchange and the building of a professional network.
Claude CAMPIONNET, CEO for Human Resources, Savencia fromage & dairy
The Academic Director’s point of view
The Soparind Bongrain Group facilitated in-house access to experts, future Key Witnesses in the programme and advisors to help the faculty team to ensure the link between content and teaching. Designing a customised programme means opening up to a company, its problems, its culture, its values and ways of thinking. The term "cross-fertilisation" used by Claude Campionnet describes perfectly the step-by-step process through which we achieve our aims in Executive Education.
Emmanuelle LEON,