Chair of
International Marketing

Prof. Dr. Robert Wilken, Chair Owner of the International Marketing Chair, Berlin campus, ESCPMarketing is facing major challenges in times of the climate crisis. Growth and consumption generally contribute significantly to the climate crisis, and marketing in turn promotes growth and consumption, at least according to traditional understanding. The traditional role of marketing is also being criticized in the context of ethical and political debates surrounding surveillance capitalism, which involves the imperative to collect data for the purpose of exploiting and modifying consumer needs. It is therefore urgently necessary to fundamentally rethink the role of marketing. We would like to take part in this important debate: Our teaching and research projects should increasingly contribute to an understanding of marketing that is geared towards sustainability goals. On the one hand, we examine the consumer side and answer questions such as the reasons that make such a transition to more sustainable behavior so difficult. On the other hand, we look at measures that companies can use to encourage consumers to adopt more sustainable behavior. Interestingly, price-related decisions in particular can play a role here. We regularly integrate our research findings into our courses so that students can engage with them critically. Our main goal is to provide students and thus the decision-makers of tomorrow with sustainable and sustainability-oriented inspiration.

- Prof. Dr. Robert Wilken

The team

From left to right: Kejiang Chen, Veronica Cacean, Prof. Dr. Robert Wilken

We offer the following courses:

Bachelor in
Management (BSc)

  • Human Behaviour (elective)
  • International Management (elective)
  • The Art of Selling (elective)
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Master in

  • Data-driven Marketing (core course)
  • Pricing (part of specialization "Selling to Customers")
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MSc in International Sales Management

  • Pricing (core course)
  • Selling and Negotiations (core course)
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Executive MBA

  • Marketing (core course)
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