How to be an Afroptimist: the role of diasporas for Africa's development
What role do “diasporas play in the development of Africa, and how can you be an Afroptimist?” This theme was at the heart of the fascinating round-table discussion as part of the Responsible Innovation in Africa Chair.
On April 11, 2023, leading experts on the African diaspora, innovation and Afropotimism sat down to discuss these issues. The panel, moderated by Prof. Nathalie Prime and Prof. Caroline Verzat, Academic Co-directors of the Responsible Innovation in Africa Chair, included Prof. Emmanuel Kamdem, Laureen Kouassi-Olsson, Quentin Sauzay and Sitor Senghor. This event, which welcomed close to one hundred attendees, took place at ESCP Business School.
During the event, the panellists highlighted the diversity of the African diasporas, which mirrors the diversity of the 54 countries that make up this vast continent. In France alone, there are almost 4 million individuals, thousands of associations and 10 billion euros in funds transferred from France to Africa in 2020. Building this new Africa is no easy feat. Our experts emphasised the necessity of being an ambassador to new opportunities with a balanced and realistic outlook anchored in “Afroptimism”.
The African diasporas are key actors that we absolutely must support since they allow frugal and social digital innovation talents, unique to the African continent, to express themselves.

ESCP Business School
The objective of the Chair is to create bridges between Europe and Africa and inspire collaboration in the spirit of reciprocity, respect and trust, to amplify the voices of a new generation of Africans.

CEO of Axian Group and Chair partner