After having co-organized an international conference on housing affordability, Prof. Jaime Luque teamed up again with colleagues from the UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate and the Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research at Tel Aviv University on a series of research seminars.
“Professor Stuart Gabriel of the UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate, professor Danny Ben-Shahar of the the Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research at Tel Aviv University and I are very interested in the topic of housing affordability and wanted to contribute to the academic community by organizing a series of meetings with researchers around the world aiming at better understanding the problem of access to affordable housing, and finding solutions,” explains Jaime Luque, who is Associate Professor of Economics at ESCP Business School’s Madrid campus, where he holds the Monaco Real Estate Technology Innovation Chair and serves as Director of the BNP Paribas Real Estate Advanced Program. He is also the Academic Director of the MSc in Real Estate, the MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management, and the ESCP Institute of Real Estate Finance and Management. “The first ESCP-TAU-UCLA conference took place on the Madrid campus during the summer of 2019, and we had great names on the program. The initial idea was to organize similar conferences in Tel Aviv and Los Angeles in the following summers. However, given the Covid-19 pandemic and the impossibility to organize a physical conference in the summers of 2020 and 2021, we decided to organize a series of webinars in 2021 on similar topics already discussed during the 2019 conference: housing and public policy. Our intention is to resume the physical conferences as soon as possible, with the second ESCP-TAU-UCLA conference taking place in Tel Aviv, possibly during the summer of 2022. The third conference will take place in Los Angeles during the summer of 2023.”
Two of these Zoom-based webinars open to academics only already took place in the winter. The next one will happen on 17 March, and the following one on 22 April with two more scheduled in May and June.
The 2019 ESCP-TAU-UCLA conference.