Turning Points Chair
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This is an unprecedented collaboration of this scale between two of France's leading Business Schools and the prestigious Maison Cartier.
A few words from Cyrille Vigneron Chairman of
Cartier Culture and Philanthropy

Cartier Culture and Philanthropy
“Research and education play a fundamental role in helping change existing practices and models within the luxury sector. As an international luxury Maison, we remain committed to actively support those who are addressing these challenges to inspire the next generation. This means further fostering dialogues between business and education, for a concrete and durable impact.”
A few words from the Co-Scientific Directors Prof. Benjamin Voyer (ESCP)
Prof. Anne Laure Sellier (HEC Paris)

Prof. Anne Laure Sellier (HEC Paris)
“Cartier has a unique culture and heritage that makes it stand out among other craftsmanship-focused Maisons. Having the opportunity to inspire such a distinctive Maison is a privilege. I look forward to fostering creative discussions with Cartier employees around the world, sharing cutting-edge academic research and insights, and bringing a different take on current business and societal issues, from sustainability to circular consumption and from cultural to generational differences.
With its remarkable culture, leadership and resources, Cartier has the best ingredients to continue developing as a magnificent organization in terms of its societal impact, beyond its business activity. My hope is that the Chair will provide yet another lens to Cartier employees, through which to view the social world a little differently, exchange, and generate ideas and solutions to the challenges ahead. ”
The Chair will deal with research questions raised by current turning points such as sustainability, new relations to consumption, generation Z behaviours, as well as preparing for upcoming challenges. It will open the door to exciting debates that will nourish, inspire and enlighten the communities of both students and managers.
Beyond its academic research focus, enabling the chair-holders to conduct cutting-edge academic research in their area of expertise, the Turning Points chair will provide a learning lab for Cartier and the two school’s student community, by:
- Providing food for thought and inspirational learnings to Cartier community worldwide
- Engaging in a dialogue through live case studies, to capture different cultural and generational perspective on specific business and societal issues
- Creating an observatory of generational and cultural changes, with the help of a student team of community managers
- Capturing best practices on sustainability with the writing of a case study at Cartier, highlighting and challenges ahead
Fields of Activity
Tackling research questions raised by current turning points such as sustainability, new relations to consumption, generation Z behaviours, as well as prepare for upcoming turning points, this Chair will open wide the doors for exciting debates that will nourish, inspire and enlighten the communities of both managers and students.
This Chair will
- explore specific research topics identified with professors
- provide food for thought and inspirational learnings
- engage with the student community to get the Gen Z external perspective on specific topics/ business challenge

Chairman of
Cartier Culture and Philanthropy

and Co-Scientific Director
ESCP Business School

Anne Laure
and Co-Scientific Director
HEC Paris
Focus on…

12 June 2021
Lessons from the Gen Z Observatory of the Cartier ESCP HEC Turning Points Chair

03 March 2021
As part of an initiative from the Cartier - ESCP - HEC Paris “Turning Points” Research Chair, we are setting up an observatory to study emerging generational and cultural changes. We are looking for ESCP and HEC Paris students to join and form a team of content curators.