Professorship KPMG in International Corporate Governance
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On the 14th of September, 2015, Frank Bournois (Dean of ESCP), Patrick-Hubert Petit (Associate, KPMG France) et Patrick Gounelle (President of ESCP Foundation) made the Professorship in "International Corporate Governance" official. KPMG is among ESCP’s pioneering and emblematic partners.
As reiterated by Patrick Gounelle, KPMG was the first company to agree to a research chair with ESCP. It was also the first to set up a Professorship.
The Professorship is led by David Chekroun, a Tenured Professor of International Business Law at ESCP and Academic Director of the Professorship.
A few words from
David Checkroun

David Checkroun
“In this context, research and teaching will be produced. International governance rising to the challenge of the digital economy; international Groups and the extraterritoriality of compliance rules; Women on board ... are all already included in my "roadmap". A MOOC project is also on the agenda…
Considering the high tension to which the theme of governance is subjected (development of standardisation and regulation versus reluctance of new generations and transformation of the relationship to governance), I'm keen to start the first projects.”
David Chekroun, Professor at ESCP
and Scientific Director of the Professorship
A few words from
Patrick-Hubert Petit
Partner KPMG
Audit France

Patrick-Hubert Petit
Partner KPMG
Audit France
“Our involvement with the ESCP Foundation is a further step in the strengthening of our ties with ESCP. Over 100 ESCP graduates work for KPMG in France, the business school with the highest level of alumni representation. We share in common with ESCP such values as international overture, diversity, talent search and development, as well as merit-based equal opportunity. Our values are rooted in a respect for the individual, recognition of personal performance and personal development support for fast track careers.
Furthermore, we are keen to promote new ideas in our business through timely thought and analysis on key economic and financial issues.”
Patrick-Hubert Petit, Partner KPMG Audit France
Audit Committee Institute France Chair
(ESCP 1975)
A new stage has begun with a new format and a new central theme: international corporate governance.
The meaning
Enriched by the unique relationship forged over 8 years thanks to the Chair for Governance, Strategy, Risks & Performance, and due to the new challenges relating to corporate governance issues, particularly on a European level, ESCP and KPMG wished to review the terms of their partnership by creating a three-year Professorship in International Corporate Governance.
The aim
The mission of the Professorship is to disseminate good practices and produce new knowledge for the managers of tomorrow. It is a pragmatic approach (based on concrete practices), transdisciplinary (different subjects and participants) and cross-border (global analysis).
Patrick-Hubert Petit believes that an efficient governance is a facilitating factor from a societal perspective, and guarantees a stronger economy.
He was therefore pleased that the Professorship in “International Corporate Governance” should complete the tripartite scheme set up by KPMG:
The Team

Scientific Director
Focus on…

The influence of women and owner liability on financial reporting, and the effect of accounting conservatism on CSR and Debt Covenant Intensity, will be the topics on the agenda.

2nd Symposium
This second symposium took placed in January 2017 and aimed to explore the opportunities and challenges for directors serving in a transnational group.
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