Marketing & Sales | Online

Discover ESCP's Executive Education online programmes in Marketing & Sales.

2 programmes match your search


International Digital Business

16 Sep 2024

Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to develop key digital business areas such as Digital Transformation of the Company, Digital Marketing and Community Management, Big Data and Business Analytics and Innovation. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.

English - French

1 year



International Marketing

16 Sep 2024

Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to use key tools and techniques of marketing and business fields such as Marketing in a Globalised World, Digital Marketing and Community Management, Digital Transformation and Big Data & Business Analytics. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.

English - French

1 year

