Digital Transformation & Innovation | Online

Discover ESCP's Executive Education online programmes in Digital Transformation & Innovation.

8 programmes match your search


Executive Master in International Business (EMIB)

16 Sep 2024

This online programme will equip you with the skills needed for the many strategic areas of a company trading in international markets. Intakes in January, April and September.

English - French

1 to 3 years (600 hours)



International Business

16 Sep 2024

Enhance your expertise with this Advanced Certificate that focuses on solving real business dilemmas using cutting-edge global management principles. Acquire essential leadership, communication and negotiation skills in a global context. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.

English - French - French & English

1-2 years



International Digital Business

16 Sep 2024

Working to resolve challenges in real business scenarios by applying the latest international management thinking, you will learn how to develop key digital business areas such as Digital Transformation of the Company, Digital Marketing and Community Management, Big Data and Business Analytics and Innovation. You could upgrade to the Executive Master in International Business - EMIB.

English - French

1 year



Data Sciences

16 Oct 2024

Comprenez les Data Sciences pour travailler avec les experts, identifiez les opportunités de création de valeur, transformez-les en projets concrets


70 hours



Leader de l'économie circulaire

Mar 2025

Cette formation en blended-learning vous donne les clés académiques et pratiques pour déployer une stratégie d’économie circulaire dans votre entreprise


5 sessions d'une demi-journée


Paris - Online

Manager 4.0

Apr 2025

Anticipez les transformations et l’incertitude, pilotez dans le risque, créez les conditions d'adaptation, d'innovation, d'efficacité et d'autonomie de vos équipes


70 hours



Transformation digitale

Apr 2025

Appropriez-vous les nouveaux modèles économiques, identifiez les compétences et les technologies, déployez une stratégie digitale porteuse de croissance


10 jours



Metaverse for Business

8 Sep 2025

This training course will give you the keys to understanding the new era of digital change that will revolutionise companies

English - French

7 hours

