Online Webinar
What do great careers in common? Coaching that made the difference!
Join us on 28th September for a brief deep-dive into the role that coaching can play in women's careers. Executive coach Dr. Susanne Kortendick shares her insights from 35+ years of experience.
We all know about the importance of networks and of mentoring. A robust network indeed helps to identify opportunities and get a foot in the door. Good mentoring might be an eye-opener to understand informal rules at the workplace. However, many of us do have these things - but our careers get stuck nonetheless. Are we missing a part of the equation?
Coaching might make the difference. A strong coach will work with her client alongside business topics of all kinds AND she will help to understand behavior at the workplace, design potential strategies to deal with competition and she will support her client to stay authentic and true to herself.
We hope that you get out of this webinar:
- What coaching can offer you at work - and what it can't
- How to find a good coach and how to identify quality coaching
- The next concrete steps in how to get some coaching and convince your boss/superior to support coaching for you
Organiser: ESCP Berlin Campus
Online - Worldwide
Start date: 28/09/2023
Start time: 12:30 PM
End time: 1:30 PM