ESCP Turin Campus has cancelled its Christmas party considering the increase of Covid-19 cases in Italy.
The Safety of our students and employees need to be a priority.
All students that already bought a ticket for the party will be refunded by the school, and they will be informed by email next week on the modalities.
We warmly suggest to all of you to be careful and do your best to stay safe.
Can you feel the holiday vibes? 🎅🦌🎄⛄️
It’s Christmas party time!
Save the date:
Friday, December 17th, at 10 pm
Blackmoon Club, Corso Moncalieri 346 - Turin
Reindeer, Elf, Snowman or Santa… who will have the best fancy Xmas Outfit?
Do not miss the chance to win the Christmas Outfit Competition and get a fantastic prize!
This will be the perfect goodbye to the students leaving Turin Campus and to wish Happy Holidays to all!
Tickets are available from Monday, November 22nd.
Tickets can only be bought in cash from the BDE.
Places are limited, hurry up!
For more info:
A valid green pass is MANDATORY.
Organiser: ESCP Turin Campus
Torino - Italia
Start date: 17/12/2021
Start time: 10:00 PM
End date: 18/12/2021
End time: 2:00 AM