On last Friday, Tribunes ESCP a student society, organized european citizen consultations for pre-master students. To open this morning's debate on Europe, Nathalie Loiseau, Minister for European Affairs, sent a personal message to ESCP students.

The objective of this moment was to give a voice to the first actors of the school - the students - on a subject - Europe - which is the foundation of ESCP's values and identity.

In the form of citizen workshops in small groups, students had the opportunity to express themselves on the main themes of the European Union: education, culture, ecology, economy, agriculture, politics and citizenship, defence and security, health, justice, mobility and immigration. After a quick assessment of what is being done by Europe on the two chosen themes, students were asked to propose initiatives to be implemented either locally or globally.

The results of this Consultation will be forwarded to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Starting from the field, these Citizens' Consultations aim to gather the proposals of the citizens of all Member States on European matters. In France, they were launched on 17 April by the President of the Republic. These Citizen Consultations are organized by holders of  projects from civil society and should enable all participating citizens to express themselves freely and to give their opinion - whatever it may be - on Europe. Each of the heads of state will then present the feedback from his country's Citizens' Consultations at the European Council next December.

For more information about Citizens' Consultations in France: www.quelleestvotreeurope.fr 

