This event is a continuation of Start@Europe and will be an opportunity for our students to work on different European topics with 800 European students coming from different countries and institutions.
To continue the dialogue and engagement with young Europeans, ahead of the European elections, the European Parliament brings together several youth groups. Three weeks after Start@Europe, 20 of our students from all campuses are back in the European Parliament, to experience the heady atmosphere, debating, developing and voting on European policy. As they played an important role during the Start@Europe Seminar, they were selected to participate in this event. They mainly acted as reporters during the plenary session in the hemicycle.
Online consultations were carried out in the autumn to identify the top ten ideas that will be developed further in several workshops by the participants in the Youth Parliament. The ideas were taken from the official EYE2018 Report, which gathered 100 of the most concrete ideas brought up during the last edition of the EYE in June 2018.
- Life skills classes + promote curiosity, self-development and responsibility
- Invest in technology for culture and heritage
- Ensure access to education and health to all children in Europe regardless of their status
- Create an annual Q&A between European leader and young people
- Use social media to inform young people about voting
- Create a free anti-virus software for EU citizens
- Smart cities and public transport
- Encourage young people to stand in elections
- Promote a plastic free approach
- Make rural areas more attractive for young people
Though this process is now completed, the participating youth are still consulting with fellow students in their home towns to ensure the policies cover local as well as national issues. They will bring these findings with them to the Youth Parliament.
At the end of the working sessions, participants will come back together in plenary to vote on the final ideas and findings that will be handed over to President Tajani who intends to present these ideas to the European Council in December.
On Monday you could live the experience of our students on ESCP Facebook page and following the #youthEP