The business leaders the world needs now are not just the responsible ones: they are the activists, the ones who use business to achieve specific sustainability goals.
A multi-faceted partnership
ESCP and UNEP are committed to training the business leaders the world needs now. Click below to learn how we’re doing that.

The MSc in Sustainability Entrepreneurship & Innovation (MSEI)At the forefront of graduate training in sustainability entrepreneurship.
Learn about the programme and the partnership with UNEP from the academic directors: Dr. Florian Lüdeke-Freund and Dr. Robert Sheldon.
Click here to visit the MSEI website
The Sustainable Lifestyles Venture Project (SLV)At the heart of the programme, co-created by ESCP and UNEP.
Garrette Clark, Programme Officer for Sustainable Lifestyles at UNEP, and others, on UNEP’s vision for the SLV.
The ESCP-UNEP International Symposium on Teaching and Curriculum Development in Sustainability Entrepreneurship.Get on board

On July 4-5 2022 ESCP and UNEP held their first symposium in Berlin, gathering together a group of people who are at the forefront of education in sustainability entrepreneurship. Join us in Paris for the 2023 symposium.
Download the 2022 invitation here.
View a summary of the 2022 proceedings here.
Download a more detailed report here.
Join us in Paris for the 2nd Symposium on Teaching & Curriculum Development in Sustainability Entrepreneurship
12-13 June 2023.
Over 25 people will be contributing to this year’s symposium, giving presentations, running workshops and sitting on panels, delivering what promises to be a stimulating and convivial two days.
Day 1 will be held at ESCP’s Paris Campus and Day 2 at on the UNESCO campus, where UNEP’s Paris offices are located. Dr. Nikolay A. Dentchev, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and CSR at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel will give the academic keynote address on day 1, and Justine Lecallier, COO of Circul’egg, will give the practitioner keynote address on day 2.