Student life is a complex journey that extends beyond the classroom.

Balancing coursework, exams, expectations from your professors, family and self-imposed pressures, and other non-academic life can be very challenging. Being a business school student also adds additional unique hurdles, like intense practical project deadlines and the need for networking.

The competitive nature of the business world also often leads to stress and isolation, so wellbeing and mental health initiatives play a crucial role in addressing these multiple challenges. Among other things, they promote equality, diversity, and inclusion, creating a supportive culture and empowering students to thrive in a fast-paced environment by valuing the diverse perspectives of their community.

As the world celebrates mental health awareness week, ESCP London Campus wants to highlight some of the services and initiatives available to its community.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Services

At ESCP Business School's London Campus, student wellbeing is a core priority supported by a range of services to ensure a smooth transition into higher education. From mental health counselling to tailored support for learning difficulties, the campus offers a holistic approach to student care.

Our London wellbeing team comprises Katarzyna Zimirska, a student counsellor, and Benjamin Ensall, a health and wellbeing practitioner. Collectively, they provide supportive sessions for students struggling with various everyday challenges such as homesickness, anxiety, and stress. In addition to mental health support, ESCP's London Campus emphasises academic success and adjustment to the new environment. Whether it's providing assistance with learning difficulties like dyslexia or fostering a culture of care through guidance and mentorship, the campus is committed to ensuring students thrive both academically and personally.

"It is important to provide students with a way to recognise how their wellbeing can impact their studies," shares Ben Ensall. "It is vital that we continue to raise awareness among students of the importance of looking after their wellbeing, and continue showing them how to find work-life balance, manage stress more effectively, learn how to take personal care, and also, what resources are available to them."

London 2024 Wellbeing Week by AGORA Students

In March, AGORA students union representatives Fay Ootes and Clara Salcedo also organised a student wellbeing week at the ESCP London Campus, following their shared goal of having a positive impact on their student community.

The week featured mindful mirror painting sessions to promote self-kindness, self-expression, and self-reflection; practical yoga classes to reconnect minds with the body experiences; and several stress management workshops exploring tangible ways and tools to tackle different everyday challenges.

"The decision to organise a wellbeing week came from a deep-seated passion for wellness and mental health that unfortunately often takes a backseat in student life," shares Clara, AGORA representative and Master in Management student. "The wellbeing week was one of the ways in which Fay and I could realise our vision for fostering a safe and inclusive space for all students to self-express and build a strong community."

"I have previously worked on a similar initiative in my high school, and I knew if this initiative will help at least one person, the project would be a success!" said Fay, a Bachelor in Management (BSc) student and AGORA representative. "Our wellbeing and mental health affect how we think, feel, and act. I think that, especially for ESCP students, focusing on wellbeing is important. Instead of going to university in their home country, the majority of us moved to a different country, which is incredibly enriching but also very scary for many students."

When organising activities, Fay and Clara reached out to the local business community in Camden and London, and after sharing their plans, they received positive feedback and support. Three businesses - Have an Avo,  Alt Water, and Oakberry Acai - offered to sponsor the event and provide refreshments for everyone involved, making the event a success.

These activities are a key part of our ongoing commitment to build a healthier, happier and more productive community.

Whether it is support in managing stress, advice on maintaining positive relationships or general guidance on finding purpose in studies or life, we encourage the ESCP London community to contact our wellbeing team at for a chat.

Remember: stay well, stay connected.
