Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (EMDIEL)
Meet the Alumni: Jo Ann Lim, Class of 2019


Jo Ann Lim- Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership Alumnus (Class of 2017) - ESCP Business School

As a veteran tech employee, Jo Ann joined the EMDIEL in 2018 to further her education without doing a classical MBA programme. Currently working for Meta in Entreprise Partnerships, we wanted to know from her what made her choose the EMDIEL and how it helped her in her career path.

What was your professional situation when you joined the EMDIEL?

I had been in the tech industry for 10+ years with working experience in India, Malaysia, and South Korea.

Why did you choose the Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (EMDIEL)

My first degree was a Bachelor of Business Administration. I wanted to do a Master’s programme that would enable me to learn new skills, and I did not want to do an MBA because that would be a repeat of my BBA. The EMDIEL met my needs because it employed a modular format for the classes, so I did not have to quit my employment to pursue my studies. The modules had many new intriguing subjects and hands-on courses that I had not seen elsewhere. The programme also incorporated many different immersive experiences in other cities such as Berlin, Paris, London, Shanghai, and San Francisco.

Can you share with us a memorable experience that impacted your life in the long-run?

The experience of pitching to the venture capitalists in the San Francisco module was one of the most memorable highlights during the EMDIEL course. It was very intense, challenging and nerve-wrecking when we honed our pitching skills to present our startup ideas to the investors. A lot of the skills that I acquired during that module have stayed with me. I also enjoyed engaging with real entrepreneurs and founders. They were my favorite speakers as we got to learn so much from their real-world experiences, their ups and downs, tips and what to look out for.

How did the programme boost your professional success?

After building my career in various Asian countries, I wanted to expand my horizon to the European region. With the EMDIEL master’s qualification, I was able to move to the United Kingdom to pursue my career in the tech industry. Currently, I am an Enterprise Client Partner with Meta, advising businesses on leveraging Meta's Virtual and Mixed Reality technologies to drive corporate efficiencies, enhance productivity, and transform operations.

Any message you would like to convey to potential participants?

The EMDIEL course will be one of the most interesting and amazing experiences that you will encounter. You will learn a lot about yourself and you will be amazed by how far you can go. Keep pushing yourself and you will succeed.

