22 June 2023 The FDI Control Forum

On 22 June 2023, the ESCP Business School, Institute For Corporate Governance and Fusions & Acquisitions, Éditions Dealflow-Data hosted the first-ever Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Control Forum in Paris.

In a world where geopolitical tensions and crises regarding health, energy and the climate are increasing, States are looking to protect their strategic interests while maintaining a vibrant economy. #FDI Control is one method by which States can ensure those interests are protected.

Keynote Speaker: Alexandre Loupy's Experience with FDI Control

Alexandre Loupy is talking about is experience

Keynote speaker Alexandre Loupy gave the audience of over 150 attendees insight into his direct experience of FDI Control, explaining the process and its benefits to his company’s development with wit and humour.

Perspectives from Regulators on FDI Control

Regulators from the US (Michael Considine, Brian Reissaus), France (Marie-Anne Lavergne), Germany (Friederike Wenkel) and the European Commission (Damien Levie and Marion C.) are discussing

Regulators from the US (Michael Considine, Brian Reissaus), France (>Marie-Anne Lavergne), Germany (>Friederike Wenkel) and the European Commission (>Damien Levie and Marion C.) then discussed how each of their systems deals with the FDI Control process, giving the audience a deeper understanding of how that process strikes a balance between maintaining freedom of capital movement and national security.

The Role of the Ecosystem in FDI Control

An integral part of the FDI Control process is the ecosystem surrounding it. As Prof. David Chekroun pointed out: “A new world of FDI Control has arrived. It is up to regulators, practitioners and academics to create the future dialogue which maintains the right balance. That is why we decided to create the FDI Control Forum in Paris, to provide the new ecosystem with a stage on which this dialogue can be created.

For more information on the ESCP Institute for Corporate Governance: https://icgprofessorship.org/
