In their latest article, Professor Andreas Kaplan and Professor Michael Haenlein define Artificial Intelligence and show how it relates to concepts such as the Internet-of-Things or Big Data. They classify AI into distinct types and evolutionary stages and analyse the potential and risk of AI using a series of case studies looking at corporations, governments, and universities. ESCP Berlin’s Rector Kaplan states: “We are particularly proud of this publication since it deals with a topic that turns the business world upside down and hope to provide an important contribution to this vital discussion”.

This article enters a long string of publications by Professor Kaplan and Haenlein in Business Horizons which decrypt and analyse the virtual sphere and further strengthen ESCP Berlin’s expertise on digitalization and the digital transformation. Many of these articles became highly cited over time and had considerable impact on the world of management and science alike. Examples include academic works such as “Higher Education and the Digital Revolution: About MOOCs, SPOCs, Social Media and the Cookie Monster”, “Two hearts in three-quarter time: How to waltz the social media/viral marketing dance”, or “If you love something, let it go mobile: Mobile marketing and mobile social media 4x4”.

Especially the seminal paper “Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media“ has become a central cornerstone of the digital business literature. This highly cited paper has almost 14,000 citations on Google Scholar, more than 4,000 citations in the Scopus database, and over 400 citations in Business Source Premier (EBSCO). It has been viewed more than 1 million times in total and recurrently was the annually most downloaded paper of the roughly 15 million scientific articles within the world’s largest research database, Science Direct. Science Direct covers a multitude of journals published by the Elsevier in areas such as engineering, management, medicine, and psychology.

Widely acknowledged for their scientific achievements, digital transformation experts and world-class scholars Kaplan and Haenlein were included among the Top 50 Business & Management Authors Worldwide as proclaimed by John Wiley & Sons, a global academic publishing giant with approximately $2 billion revenue per year. This list includes authors of current highly influential peer-reviewed research papers and applies indicators such as the number of citations as well as the respective journals’ impact factor.

