An interesting conversation with the 5 ESCP students awarded with a scholarship to participate in the EIA Turin about their first impressions.
The ESCP Turin Campus, that for the third year in a row has signed a partnership agreement with the EIA, has awarded scholarships to 5 ESCP students, 3 selected among the Bachelor in Management participants and 2 among the Master in Management students.
The entrepreneurial acceleration programme, designed to build a network of global mentors and students while launching a start-up in 15 days, started on July 8 and is going to end on July 27 with the EIA Grand Pitching with the announcement of the Top 10 EIA Turin 2018 winners.
We are proud to introduce our promising young students selected for this entrepreneurial adventure: Eugenio Bertino, Giorgio Bonaldo, Gaia Innocenzi, Yavor Spasov and Davide Vercellone.
We asked our students some questions about their expectations at the beginning of this three-week Summer programme for highly motivated students worldwide.
You are attending the EIA thanks to a scholarship provided by ESCP. What do you think of this opportunity?
Davide Vercellone: “I think that EIA is a great opportunity! An event to meet so many interesting people from all over the world and important mentors. I believe that the sharing of ideas and cultures is the basis for the future and this is the best place to make it happen”.
Eugenio Bertino: “It is a great opportunity to work with many students from all over the world and coming from different universities. ESCP made this dream possible for me thanks to its scholarship. I have just started my career with ESCP but I can already say I am really excited both to start studying at ESCP and to be in EIA programme”.
Yavor Spasov: “I believe the EIA is a one-of-a-kind experience as it allows us to pitch our ideas to peers in order to build a team and then together develop a start-up from scratch to a working prototype in just 15 days. It is truly an amazing way to kick-start your career, get useful guidance by experts as well as spend a lovely time in Italy with ambitious people from all over the world”.
Giorgio Bonaldo: “I am really happy, it is a big opportunity; learning how to create and possibly run a business isn’t a thing that we can really learn at school so the EIA is a big event that lets you learn and develop skills that nobody at our age probably has”.
Gaia Innocenzi: “I think that this opportunity is incredible. As usual ESCP invests in its students not just academically but also when it comes to real life experiences”.
What did you expect from this 3-week programme?
Davide Vercellone: “I have great expectations for EIA 2018. I hope to learn more about the entrepreneurial world and how to boost my career. I would like to create links with all the people that will attend the event and have the opportunity to learn something from them”.
Giorgio Bonaldo: “In these three weeks I expect to learn how a business works, the various roles that there are and meet a lot of experts”.
Yavor Spasov: “I expect the programme to bring me a new perspective and motivate me to pursue my dreams. Furthermore, I believe that I will gain invaluable knowledge on how to go from an idea to a working company”.
How was the impact with the international atmosphere at the EIA?
Yavor Spasov: “As soon as you enter the EIA you feel a terrific atmosphere of enthusiasm and ambition. People have come from all over the world for the European Innovation Academy in order to develop their dreams so it is truly an amazing place to be”.
Gaia Innocenzi: “As an international student I was used to living in an international atmosphere. What I didn't expect was how much the EIA not only takes you into a different comfort zone but also makes you think outside the box and projects you into the near future to identify the following problem and anticipate its solution”.
Eugenio Bertino: “Once I arrived I was scared of what I was going to face but, when everything started, the fear immediately disappeared. I met hundreds of people from all over the world and what all of us have in common is a purpose. We were all there to create new friendships and learn specific know-how that you can only achieve at the European Innovation Academy. The atmosphere is incredibly friendly and warm and this is also why EIA is unique”.
Stay tuned to find out more about ESCP students’ adventures at the European Innovation Academy.