Students entering the programme from the start of the 2021 academic year will be the first to benefit from the diploma certified by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The French commission for the evaluation of management training and diplomas (CEFDG) gives a favourable opinion to ESCP Business School's request to deliver the Advanced Studies Diploma in International Business Management (DEAMIE - master’s degree, level 7), conferring the degree of Master for a period of five years starting from the next academic year.
DEAMIE is a new programme of excellence that will bring together, as of September 2021, 19 MS and MSc specialisations from ESCP’s Paris, London, Madrid and Turin campuses.
After a rigorous selection process, students entering the programme from the start of the 2021 academic year will be the first to benefit from the diploma certified by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The CEFDG commends the distinctive features of the programme:
- the academic rigour that stems from the previous pedagogical approach and imposes a common standard for the 19 specialisations in the first semester (led by ESCP), while leaving the management of semesters 2 and 3 to the European campuses, in accordance with the school's federal governance principles;
- the academic and professional character of the programme, which guarantees very high employability of the graduates;
- the strong and incentive-based research policy
About the programme:
It is a 12 or 15-months programme, with 4 semesters, representing 90 (or 120 depending on the entry level) ECTS credits:
- T1: 6 core courses of 30 hours each in the main management disciplines (only for students with less than 120 ECTS credits)
- T2 & 3: Specialisation (for all students)
- T4: Internship (minimum 4 months), research seminar and professional thesis
The degree is conferred until 2026 and will provide students the French Master degree with high added value and a strong international edge + 1 diploma in the chosen specialisation.

“The granting of the master's degree enables hundreds of young Europeans and international students to benefit throughout their professional lives from a master's degree awarded by France.”
Prof. Frank Bournois,
Dean of ESCP

“This programme prepares students to become functional leaders (experts). The CEFDG fully recognises the uniqueness and strengths of this programme, including its academic excellence and emphasis on the students’ professional employability and integration.”
Prof. Léon Laulusa,
Executive Vice-President and Dean for Academic and International Affairs

“Our new DEAMIE is a major step forward in our specialised training offer, of the highest academic standard, whose objectives of professionalisation are reaffirmed. It is the culmination of a profound evolution of our MS and MSc programmes.”
Prof. Philippe Thomas,
Scientific Director of the MS and MSc programmes