At ESCP Business School we continue to work and take maximum care to implement all of the safety and hygiene protocols at our Madrid Campus to guarantee you a safe return to classes in September, adapted to this “new normality” and always maintaining the quality level that characterizes us.
We are thoroughly following all the safety, hygiene and public health protocols established by the different European, national and local authorities. As of today, we do not foresee major mobility limitations at the level of European students. Those from other continents may have to start classes in an online environment under our new AMBL methodology (Adaptive Model Blended Learning), and then continue on Campus once the initial restriction has been lifted. We are already increasing the distance by significantly reducing the capacity of the classes and we are extraordinarily reinforcing all aspects related to the cleaning and disinfection of spaces.
At the Madrid campus we have created, in record time, one of the most innovative pedagogical digitization models on the market in order to meet the current needs arising from COVID-19 and we are carrying out an intense process of re-adaptation of our educational model through a revolutionary methodology: our already mentioned “Adaptive Model Blended Learning”.
With our AMBL (Adaptive Model Blended Learning) methodology, we use technology as a means to reach you, our students, in a much more effective way. We want to make you live a different user experience. And all this regardless of the degree of confinement that COVID dictates. For us, the key is to create a storyline that keeps you “hooked” at all times, with a very strong interaction from the teacher and the Program Managers team, encouraging the use of collaborative tools that make you feel that you are part of a group and you are not alone. Currently, technology is practically a commodity, available to everyone, the differential is how it is used to motivate the student and keep him or her actively coordinated in the program they are studying. Therein lays the key.
Thanks to AMBL we are able to go from a pure face-to-face environment to a digital (online) environment or a hybrid model as a mixed solution between the two, in a few hours.
Regardless of whether classes begin in person or remotely, we can guarantee an international experience because our foundation is very solid and is based on 3 pillars:
- Internationalization and multiculturalism of the students in class. Depending on the programme, we can have between 10 and 25 different nationalities per class, reaching more than 60 nationalities in some programmes.
- Internationalization and multiculturalism of our faculty & teaching staff. We have 1000 teachers of 90 different nationalities in our own campus network.
- Internationalization and multiculturalism based on student mobility. All programmes require that our students study in at least 2 campuses in our network.
The main objective of our teaching model and our social mission is to always keep you at the center of all our activity. It is precisely this focus on the student that has led us in recent years to grow quantitatively in Spain by 400% and present a very positive financial situation to continue growing; and qualitatively, by contributing to educational innovation and better positioning of the school in the Rankings and international accreditations.