Publication A book about innovation with an edge
In this book published as part of The Economist’s Edge series, ESCP Prof. Alessandro Lanteri and his co-author show how each of us can make the most of ideas and create innovations that deliver customer value.
“We want this book to show how everyone can use the traits and techniques we discuss to support innovation both for business success and to contribute to making life on this planet easier, more productive and more enjoyable,” Ted Ladd and Alessandro Lanteri claim in the introduction of Innovating with Impact (officially coming out in early March but already available for pre-order).
And by everyone, they mean everyone: According to them, it is a myth to consider innovation the domain of the special few who are inspired by ‘eureka!’ moments that always result in brilliant new products. In reality, anyone with the right tools, traits, and methods has the potential to innovate with impact, generating profits and even changing the world.
“A potent antidote to the personality cult of the mercurial visionary, this work shows how anyone with determination and discipline can harness the craft of innovation,” comments UC Berkeley Haas School of Business Professor, CEO and Solomon’s Code author Olaf Groth.
Innovation as a pyramid
“Innovation is not an extraordinary event, but the outcome of a deliberate process. We think of innovation as a pyramid,” they explain. Their Innovation Pyramid outlines a strategic process that is rooted in the right cultures and mindsets and uses a range of methods, techniques and themes to reach the pinnacle of maximum impact. “Innovating with Impact describes each of the layers of this pyramid with examples across a range of industries and geographies.”
“In an era when innovation is like oxygen Ted Ladd and Alessandro Lanteri have written an excellent book on the subject – the culture, mindset, methods and tools to drive innovation and have an impact,” adds Gopi Kallayil, Chief Evangelist, Digital Transformation and Strategy at Google and author of The Internet to the Inner-net and The Happy Human. “Combining frameworks, research and entertaining stories spanning hundreds of years of innovation, this is a riveting read and applies to all industries across all economies.”