A team of four Big Data and Business Analytics master’s students from ESCP worked with large data sets to make recommendations in order to support the organization which funds research for people with multiple sclerosis (MS). They present their research at the Teradata Analytics Universe Conference today in Las Vegas and propose a big data approach to fight MS through fundraising events.
The 2018 Teradata Analytics Universe Conference is currently taking place in Las Vegas, with the fourth annual Data Challenge competition scheduled on October 14th and 15th. All student teams were provided with the same multiple data sets and questions from the non-profit organization National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS). The teams analysed the provided data and business questions related to their Bike MS fundraising program and presented their findings and results.
ESCP is the only European business school to be represented at this very important event in the big data sector. The other finalists come from Loyola University Chicago, North Carolina State University, University of Waterloo, Washington University St. Louis.
As Big Data & Business Analytics master's students, ESCP finalists Fahd Lemhaider, Anke Joubert, Chiao-Ann Tsai and Marie Tourdes were motivated to apply analytics at the service of a non-profit organization. Their project aims to deliver powerful insights that highlight how data collection and consolidation will make richer analysis possible. It addresses two business priorities -corporate and digital acquisition-, and adds other insights discovered from external data.
Some findings include factors that lead to profitable events: corporate opportunities to unlock higher donations, the common denominator for successful teams (connection to MS), locations where increased female participation is possible and four cities with high cycling opportunities.
Students hope the Bike MS fundraising program can apply these insights and data-backed findings to lead to the ultimate goal: a world free of MS.
ESCP’s students in Big Data won the People’s Choice award at the 2018 Data Challenge!