Registration is closed for this event
We are pleased to announce the sixteenth Workshop on Management Accounting as Social and Organizational Practice (MASOP), to be held from April 28th to 29th 2025 in Paris. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars in the field of management accounting and control who share an interest in understanding the social and organizational antecedents and effects of management accounting practice.
As in previous years, the workshop seeks to develop participants’ research through critical but friendly and constructive discussion and to provide a forum for debate of emerging ideas and developments in practice and research. Each paper will be given 45 minutes for presentation and discussion. The workshop is limited to 40 participants. Participants other than those presenting a paper are accepted on a first come-first served basis. The deadline for registration is March 30th, 2025.
Submission of Papers:
Please direct paper submissions and any other inquiries to with including in the e-mail the names and e-mail addresses of all co-authors, but do not mention author details on the paper itself (i.e., attach an anonymized document). The deadline for submission of full papers is January 31st, 2025. Papers will be reviewed and notification of acceptance (or otherwise) will be given in February. Preference will be given to papers that relate closely to the management accounting focus of the workshop. We aim to create a balanced overall program, in terms of different theories/methodologies and a mix between emerging and more established scholars. We strongly encourage submissions that reflect diverse perspectives, particularly from regions and communities that are underrepresented in accounting academic research. The submitting author of an accepted paper is automatically registered for the workshop; co-authors of accepted papers and authors of non-accepted papers have to register separately.
Venue: The workshop will take place at ESCP, 8 avenue de la Porte de Champerret, 75017 Paris. It starts at 9am on Monday morning and will finish at around 4pm on Tuesday. There are no fees.

Organiser: ESCP
Paris - 8 avenue de la Porte de Champerret
Start date: 28/04/2025
Start time: 9:00 AM
End date: 29/04/2025
End time: 6:00 PM