Climate change is the challenge of our generation, the next ten years will be crucial. How the Internet of Things (IoT) can contribute to reduce carbon emission and improve the environment?
With our guest speakers from leading companies in both IoT and Sustainability, we will explore different ways to create sustainable value for customers, companies, and societies with IoT.
For a better world.
9h00-9h30 › Introduction – Is IoT eco-friendly? Issues at stake
Prof. Sandrine Macé, Scientific Director, IoT Chair, Professor, ESCP
9h30-10h00 › Accelerate energy savings in buildings and cities through efficient and connected lighting
Marion Huertas, Sustainability Manager, Signify
10h00-10h30 › IoT for Green : net impact quantification
Marc Bouchard Genet, Manager in the IoT, Telecoms, and Tech team, BearingPoint
• • • Break - Networking • • •
11h00-11h30› How IoT can reduce the environmental impact of the transport industry
Thomas Ledoux, Chief Technology Officer - Global Services & Solutions Business, Michelin
11h30-12h00› Creating sustainable value for companies and customers with IoT
Zoya Alexeeva, Vice President Software Strategy, Schneider Electric
• • • Buffet Lunch- Networking - Meet the Schneider Electric Talent Acquisition team and learn about career prospects • • •
Organiser: ESCP, 3 rue Armand Moisant, 75015 Paris
Paris - France
Start date: 08/03/2024
Start time: 9:00 AM
End time: 12:00 PM