ESCP's London Campus invites its new students to attend a very special event!
The annual Welcome Party is your opportunity to meet students from all the other programmes on campus, as well as staff and faculty, and will include a complimentary drink, nibbles, music and FUN!
Please register your place by 25th September to claim your entry wristband! The link is in your invite email from Solene Hoyez...
WARNING: NO WRISTBAND - NO ENTRY (even with your student card)
This event is for current ESCP London Campus students only - no external guests, plus-1s or Tinder dates will be admitted. ;)
What's included in your ticket? Check the email you received from Solene to find out more... ;)
*Here's the boring part: we do have some students in our Bachelor class who are not yet 18. Unfortunately, UK law states that we cannot serve you alcohol at this event - however, you are of course highly encouraged to join the party on and will just have a different wristband (£5 instead of £10) that entitles you to complimentary soft drinks. We hope you'll still join us!
More information on where this event takes place, plus dress codes and what ID you should bring is available via (you guessed it) the email from Solene!
We can't wait to enjoy this night with you!
Organiser: Solene Hoyez
Secret location in London! - United Kingdom
Start date: 28/09/2018
Start time: 6:00 PM
End date: 29/09/2018
End time: 1:00 AM