Philippe Thomas is a Doctor in Management Sciences, holds a Master in Finance and is professor in Finance on the ESCP Business School Paris campus. He teaches Corporate Finance (financial analysis and valuation, mergers and acquisitions, financial engineering). He is also the academic director of the Specialised Master in Finance at ESCP Business School in Paris and London (Advanced Master In Finance - AMIF). He coordinates Executive Education Programmes for bank and large companies.
Prior to his academic career, Pr. Philippe Thomas worked in several investment banks and was head of the M&A division of Reuters.
He is the author of several books : Analyse FInancière Internationale, Ingénierie financière, LBO-montages à effet de levier: Private equity and Principes de finance d'entreprise. He also wrote several academic papers on Investment Banking.
Pr. Philippe Thomas is also a member of the investment committee of several operating private equity funds.