Yacine Rekik is a full Professor of Decision Sciences at ESCP Business School (Paris campus). He gained his PhD degree in Industrial Engineering at Ecole Centrale Paris and an Accreditation to Supervise Research (HDR) from INSA Lyon. Before joining ESCP Business School, he occupied a Research Associate position at the Distributed Information & Automation Lab of the University of Cambridge (UK) and a professorship position during 15 years at emlyon business school (France).
The purpose of his research project is to develop a set of models that provides qualitative and quantitative insights on the digital transformation of the supply chain. This research covers for instance the benefits of the RFID technology on the performance of supply chains in terms of cost reduction and/or improvement of service levels. He also works on the omnicanality of the supply chain as well as the data driven flow management in supply chains. He is an active member of the ECR community and is involved in a research project on the Inventory Record Inaccuracy (IRI). He is developing algorithmic solutions to handle the IRI problem as well as data-driven and machine learning solutions.