Prof. Dr. Bruno Ponson
Full Professor of Economics at ESCP Europe, Bruno Ponson is Emeritus Professor (from June 2012). He has been appointed by ESCP Europe from 1978.
From Sept. 2016 to August 2017 he has been the General Director of ESTI (Ecole Supérieure des Technologies de l'Information – School of Information Technology) in Antananarivo, Madagascar. He was appointed to launch the school (Bachelor and Master programs) which opened in September 2017 in cooperation with the Antananarivo Chamber of Commerce and the Paris Chamber of Commerce (ITESCIA school), and funded by the Agence Française de Développement. He has been previously the leading expert of the feasibility study for this school (2014-2015).
Bruno Ponson was seconded as President of the Board of Directors of CFVG Vietnam and codirector of CFVG Hanoi (from 2009 to 2012). CFVG has been created in 1992 under the cooperation between the French and Vietnamese Governments. The school, established in Hanoi and in Ho Chi Minh City, has a MBA (EPAS accredited, the first in Vietnam) and two Specialized Masters Programs (MEBF in Banking & Finance, and MMSS in Marketing & Sales). It opened in 2010 a doctoral program in cooperation with ESCP Europe, Paris Dauphine University, Strasbourg University, Lille 2 University and the host universities (UEH in HCMC and NEU in Hanoi).
Between 2004 and 2009, Bruno Ponson implemented and developed, as General Director, the Ecole Supérieure Algérienne des Affaires in Algiers. ESAA has launched an Executive MBA, a MBA, a Master’s degree program and Continuing Education. ESAA is working with a Consortium of five schools (ESCP Europe, Kedge Business School, HEC Paris, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, and University of Lille 2) and is considered a major tool of the Algerian-French Cooperation.
Between 1998 and 2003 Bruno Ponson implemented and developed, as its Director, the Institut de la Francophonie pour l’Entrepreneuriat (IFE) in Mauritius, belonging to the AUF organization. This post-graduate institute, devoted to Entrepreneurship, has been working with a consortium of 7 universities from Belgium, Canada and France.
In addition to his appointment at ESCP Europe, Bruno Ponson has been an Associate Professor (“Maître de conferences”) mainly at Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne University (1978-1991).
He has been living for more than 24 years outside France, in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Thailand, Mauritius, Algeria, Vietnam, and now Madagascar, as a University professor or developer and director of University schools and programs. He has been Visiting Professor in many countries from Asia, Europe and Africa, and has been Fulbright fellow at Penn University (USA).
Bruno Ponson taught or teaches International and Development Economics, Monetary Economics, Industrial Economics, Quantitative methods, and Entrepreneurship. He has launched several programs in the field of Developing Entrepreneurship Culture. His research areas and publications are devoted to Economic decision theory (the topic of his doctoral dissertation), Industrial economics (groups of firms) and Entrepreneurship in Developing countries.
He holds a Master in Mathematics and a PhD (« Doctorat d’Etat ») in Economics from Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne University.
He has founded in 1988 and led for 10 years a broad international research network devoted to entrepreneurship. The network has published numerous research papers and books, a quarterly bulletin and organized international colloquia every two years. For his commitment to the spreading of Entrepreneurship in developing countries, he received in 2008 the Julien-Marchesnay prize from the AIREPME research network.
Bruno Ponson sits on thesis committees and editorial boards. He belongs to EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) accreditation teams for EPAS. He has also attended teams for the EDAF programme and the Advisory program of EFMD. He develops consultancy activities mainly in the field of business schools launching and development.
He is currently (from 2013) the President of Airelle, association located in Uzès (France) devoted to find work for people in difficulty of employment (turnover 2M€, 17 permanent staff, working hours provided to 550 persons).