Florence Pinot de Villechenon, Franco-Argentinean , is a graduate of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the University of Paris-Sorbonne. She also obtained her PhD in "Western Societies - History Option" at the University of Paris VII. She attended the International Teaching Program at IAE Aix-en-Provence in 1990. She has been in charge of ESCP Europe's academic cooperation with Latin America since 1993. Her courses cover international relations, European integration, EU-Latin America cooperation policies and dynamics, the environment and business dynamics in and with Latin America and intercultural phenomena, as well as soft power and cultural diplomacy.
Her research interests include Latin American policies in the European Union, cooperation strategies with emerging countries, European investments in Latin America, the internationalization of SMEs and the management of international cultural projects. Since 2001, she has been Director of CERALE (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche Amérique latine Europe) at ESCP Europe.
She is an expert at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education for academic cooperation with Latin America and a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of the Americas. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Maison de l'Amérique latine, member of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in France, Foro de Profesionales Argentinos in France and Mexican Economic Chamber in France. She participated in the ExpoFrance 2025 project as a member of the board of directors of EXPOFRANCE 2025 and as an alternate member of the GIP Universal Exposition 2025. She is also a member of the Mariannes Asociación de Mujeres francoargentinas.
Within the Permanent Academic Forum EU-CELAC it co-coordinates the "University - Society" Working Group.
Until 2015, she taught at the IHEAL Institute of Advanced Studies of Latin America.
Her publications include "Adapting a Lean Production Program to National Institutions in Latin America: Danone in Argentina and Brazil" with Friel, Daniel in Journal of International Management, March 2018; Latin American SMEs and training schemes for their internationalization, a study carried out with the support of the EU-LAC Foundation and the Institute of the Americas; "La internacionalización de las PYMEs latinoamericanas y su proyección en Europa". Fundación EU-LAC 2017; "The Internationalisation of Latin American SMEs and their Projection in Europe" Fundación EU-LAC 2017; CERALE Report on "Les PME à l'international. L'internationalisation des PME d'Europe du Sud au Brésil", October 2015; "Las pymes, actores del diálogo entre Europa y América Latina.Internacionalización e inserción en la cadena de valor global. Análisis desde Europa y desde América Latina"; "The paradox of development. The challenges of a French subsidiary vis-à-vis its Latin-American corporate headquarters", Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, ISSN: 2045-0621 (en collab.); "A Brazilian Subsidary in France: Human Resource Management in Adaptive Mode" with Maral Murabetkova, ESCP Europe, Journal of Business Strategy, Sept. 2013; "Los perímetros regionales latinoamericanos a la luz de la crisis y de la globalización", IdeAs Idées d'Amériques, n°4, June 2013; "Is Mexico still Latin American?"Economic Problems, 7 July 2010, No. 2999, pp. 45-47; Globalization and its effects: new debates, new approaches (ed.), Review of Social Change, L'Harmattan, 2006; "La latinidad: una cuestión de afinidad cultural en las relaciones eurolatinoamericanas", Homenaje a Carlos A. Ronchi March, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2003; "Les représentations de l'Europe et de l'Argentine à l'heure de la crise", Pour comprendre la crise argentine, D. Rolland and J. Chassin éditeurs, Ed. L'Harmattan, January 2003; Fêtes géantes. Les expositions universelles pour quoi faire, Ed. L'Harmattan, coll. Essais, 2000.