Eric Pesnel is Associate Professor at ESCP Europe. He earned a MBA from HEC Paris and an engineering degree from « - Ingénieur de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers - ».
Professor Pesnel is co-director of the Specialized Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is also Scientific Director of tthre executive seminars: «Project Management - »
His field of expertiseis project management. and Entrepreuneurship He is also an expert in the use of business simulations for learning purposes.
Professor Pesnel also taught at the « - Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées - » and at the « - Collège des Ingénieurs - ».
He is a co-founder of Proconseil Consulting Group (60 Consultants) and was CEO. He is also a co-founder of « - Centre International de la Pédagogie d’Entreprise (CIPE) - ».He has worked for many years as a consultant for international companies. Sony, Arcelor Mittal, Alcan, Laboratoire Lilly, Carnaud Metalbox, Rio Tinto...
Professor Pesnel is author of many business simulation games translated into several languages and cases.