Benjamin Lehiany is Affiliate Professor of Strategy & Innovation in the Management Department at  ESCP Business School. He is also a Research Associate at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (i3-CNRS) and Associate Professor at the Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department of Ecole Polytechnique, Paris.

His research contributions are published in French and international academic journals and books, for which he also act as a reviewer, in the fields of strategic management and innovation management with a sectoral specialization in network industries (energy/telecoms/transportation). 

He teaches Strategy, Management of Innovation and Circular Economy to Master students and Executives and has extensive experience in designing and managing programs. He is also the co-founder of Manadvise, an open-innovation agency which provides research, learning and advisory services in the field of strategic management of innovation.

Dr. Benjamin LEHIANY holds a Master degree in Industrial Economics from Toulouse School of Economics and a PhD in Management Science from Ecole Polytechnique.

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