Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship Programmes
Discover ESCP's Executive Education programmes in Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship Programmes.
8 programmes match your search
General Management Programme (GMP)
This programme equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to ramp up your performance as a leader in world-class organisations.
Executive Development
Empower your skill set and develop new expertise to improve your career with EMBA-level modules.
Certificat Intelligence artificielle (IA) for business
Le nouveau certificat en ligne Intelligence artificielle (IA) for business est une formation qui donne toutes les clés pour comprendre l’IA, ses enjeux et ses impacts dans les organisations.
Executive Master in International Business (EMIB)
This online programme will equip you with the skills needed for the many strategic areas of a company trading in international markets
Certificat Online Finance pour managers
This online certificate is designed to equip professionals with the tools and insights necessary to excel in today’s financial landscape.
Leader Tech de demain : catalyser la transformation technologique
Le certificat en ligne Management de la Transformation numérique , proposé en temps partagé, donne les clés aux professionnels qui souhaitent maîtriser les nouvelles technologies.
Executive MBA (EMBA)
Tirez profit de votre carrière internationale et comblez le fossé entre votre potentiel inexploité et le manager à l'international qui est en vous
Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (EMDIEL)
Berlin, London, Shangai, San Francisco, four places for an intensive immersion into digital innovation and entrepreneurship.