Navigating the corporate world with authenticity and confidence

dive into ESCP’s LGBT+ Leadership Programme with Martina Sapio

For LGBTQ+ leaders and professionals, advocating for oneself in the workplace remains a challenge. But when inclusion and diversity are clear drivers of change and success, having everyone feel comfortable being their authentic selves at work is key. Martina Sapio, an alumna of ESCP’s LGBT+ Leadership programme and a trainee lawyer at Clifford Chance LLP, speaks with us about how the programme helped her advocate for herself and others in the workplace, and become a confident leader.

A place to be authentic with other LGBTQ+ professionals

After a childhood spent in conservative Italy with few words to describe her own experience, Martina Sapio delved into LGBTQ+ issues and queer theory as a teen thanks to social media.

“As a young butch lesbian from a working-class family in a conservative country, I found a sense of belonging in discovering that people like me existed, and had existed throughout history. Discovering a community of people like me, many of whom had achieved great things, inspired me to apply for this program,” she says. “I craved to learn how to navigate the corporate world while staying true to my queer identity, and how to emulate leaders like Stacey Abrams and Audre Lorde who inspire and empower others from a place of authenticity.”

Strong, queer women like Stacey Abrams, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Audre Lorde, an acclaimed poet and activist, are indeed great examples of advocates in the queer community. But not everyone is prepared to be an advocate at first. Sometimes it takes the right resources and a sense of belonging to gain the necessary strategies and courage. This is what ESCP’s LGBT+ Leadership Programme is about.

“The LGBT+ Leadership Programme was truly a turning point for me. Having the chance to connect and share experiences with other thriving LGBTQ+ leaders – folks who understood my background – was invaluable,” says Martina. “Sharing in a safe space allowed me to not only confront my need for authenticity head-on but also develop concrete strategies for navigating the professional world as my authentic self. For LGBTQ+ individuals navigating their careers, finding your voice is essential.”

A programme specifically designed to help LGBTQ+ individuals navigate the workplace

In the professional world, making connections is crucial to developing a meaningful career. In this way, the leadership programme is the perfect place for LGBTQ+ professionals to meet people who share the same obstacles and ambitions. It has also been specifically tailored to address the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

“One challenge I faced before the programme was navigating subtle biases, sometimes in the form of microaggressions,” Martina says. “Additionally, I felt a pressure to compartmentalise my identity, as there aren't many openly LGBTQ+ role models in my field. The LGBT+ Leadership Programme excelled at creating a dynamic and inclusive environment that fostered rich connections and collaboration among a diverse range of LGBTIQ+ talent.”

This was achieved through a thoughtful combination of mentorship, where established LGBTQ+ leaders provided valuable guidance and fostered connections across generations and experiences, and collaborative activities.

“Peer group sessions also created a safe space for participants to share challenges, celebrate successes, and build lasting bonds with like-minded individuals. Collaborative activities, such as workshops and projects, required teamwork, leveraging participants' unique strengths and building a collaborative spirit that can be carried forward into their professional networks,” she adds.

Becoming a better leader and LGBTQ+ advocate

For LGBTQ+ professionals like Martina, seeking more authenticity and connection in their careers, the Leadership programme serves as a valuable resource. The tools it provides can play a pivotal role in helping LGBTQ+ individuals embrace their most authentic selves in the workplace and navigate different dynamics. This, in turn, boosts their confidence to speak up and advocate for diverse perspectives.

“The programme significantly honed my communication skills. Practising advocacy for LGBTQ+ issues within the programme provided me with valuable experience in presenting complex ideas persuasively,” Martina says.

“The programme also deepened my understanding of diversity and inclusion. Working and collaborating with a diverse range of LGBTQ+ talent provided me with valuable insights into the importance of fostering an inclusive environment. This is essential for navigating a global firm like Clifford Chance, where working with a diverse clientele and workforce is a daily reality,” she adds.

Shaping the future of work for more inclusion

As our interviewee reminds us, the future of LGBTQ+ inclusion in the corporate world holds both promise and challenges. While significant progress has been made, achieving a truly inclusive environment is an ongoing process.

“This will require increased visibility of LGBTQ+ leaders in senior positions and comprehensive LGBTQ+ inclusion policies addressing benefits, non-discrimination, microaggressions and unconscious bias,” says Martina. In this way, programmes like the LGBT+ Leadership Programme are crucial in fostering this future: they play an important role in helping LGBTQ+ individuals become visible role models, paving the way for future generations to thrive in their careers.

If you’re still hesitant about claiming your authentic self in the workplace or joining such a programme, Martina has some advice:


“This journey is unique for everyone, so don't be afraid to start small. Joining an LGBTQ+ employee resource group, attending communication skills workshops, or simply starting conversations with trusted colleagues can all be powerful ways to find your voice and build the confidence to become a vocal advocate for yourself and the LGBTQ+ community.”


If Martina’s experience at ESCP’s LGBT+ Leadership Programme has sparked your interest, you can find more information here.
