Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (EMDIEL)
Meet the Alumni: Sheelah Chu, Class of 2021

Sheelah Chu - Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership Alumnus (Class of 2021) - ESCP Business SchoolWith a Bachelor’s in Marketing Management and Psychology, Sheelah was working as a digital content specialist, while raising her four sons when she decided to join the EMDIEL. As a member of the 2020 cohort, her EMDIEL journey was a hybrid one. Read about her experience in our interview.

How was your experience of doing an MSc during a global pandemic?

Surprisingly, it was a rich and enjoyable experience. The EMDIEL kick-off was a mix of excitement and uncertainty as the pandemic caught everyone by surprise. I even thought that the programme would be postponed. In the end, the academic team managed to pull it off. Surely, the experience was unique. Our adaptability, our willingness & eagerness to learn, and our commitment to the programme were key to the success of each module. Of course, this wouldn’t be possible if the academic team did not move heaven and earth to make things happen.  I personally felt privileged to be able to experience a hybrid setup. I felt my creativity was further stimulated. We invented and engaged in new ways of working together, whether in the same room or online, while consistently producing results that would meet the demands of the different modules.

What did you learn and experience that you would not have without the pandemic?

Compromise, resilience, dedication, and goodwill.  Yes, we all agreed to compromise and each time we did, the trade-off was worth it.  Our resilience was key to enabling us to bounce back to our feet despite the difficulties that we encountered.   Had we not been dedicated to contributing to a positive learning experience not only for ourselves but for our classmates and our professors, the group would not have stayed solid across the different modules.

What helped you in your daily routine as an EMDIEL participant during the pandemic?

Being pragmatic and optimistic. Facing each day with both feet on the ground but never giving up hope that things could get better and bearing in mind that we are still luckier than most.  And also, accepting to mutually rely on each other. Sometimes, it gets tough to meet deadlines as we constantly juggle between work, school, and family life. In the cohort, we looked after each other. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and be generous enough to give it.

If there was another pandemic, what advice would you give to porspects?

Of course, I’d say GO FOR IT! But … yes there’s a BUT! Go for it only if you are willing to twist and turn, learn & work differently, manage expectations & disappointments and to commit to the programme. In exchange, you will not only expand your knowledge and skills, but also your professional network and bring with you an extraordinarily rich human experience.   I am lucky to have been stretched beyond my limits, to have been disappointed a couple of times when plans changed, to have gone through adversities, because they made the learning experience richer and more meaningful.  I met wonderful people from different countries, of different age groups and from different fields. I’ll let you imagine how fun and memorable that was!
