ESCP Executive MBA students join forces with GMO Research & AI for neuroinclusive recruitment

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 80% of neurodiverse individuals face difficulties securing employment. With employers still uncertain about accommodating the unique talents of neurodiverse employees, it is clear that there is a critical need for more inclusive hiring strategies.

A shared commitment to neuroinclusive recruitment

But why is it so difficult to find the right match between employers and neurodiverse talents? That question from students of ESCP Business School's Executive MBA formed the beginning of their International Consulting Project (ICP).

To answer this question, the students joined forces with GMO Research & AI (Tokyo) to create an AI-based neuroinclusive recruitment process. GMO Research & AI is a leader in multi-country research solutions in Asia, using cutting-edge technology and extensive data sources to deliver insights that support business strategy and innovation.

GMO Research & AI plays an important role in this initiative by providing crucial data and additional research resources free of charge. This substantial support not only accelerates the progress of the project but also highlights GMO Research & AI's commitment to inclusive recruitment practices. Notably, a comprehensive survey conducted by GMO Research & AI involving 20,000 participants has been pivotal in developing the AI-based recruitment tool, underscoring the project's foundation in extensive data and participant insights.

Developing an AI-based tool for neuroinclusive recruitment

Advanced AI assessment technology from Singapore-based ete holdings is being integrated within this ICP project. The technology is designed to accurately determine applicants' strengths and challenges, promoting a hiring culture among employers that values understanding and inclusiveness. This approach provides employers with crucial insights, enabling them to fully appreciate and harness the unique talents of candidates with ADHD and dyslexia. By removing long-standing obstacles and misconceptions, the project promotes a more equitable hiring landscape. Candidates benefit from a more robust application process, where they can confidently demonstrate their abilities and match their skills with appropriate employment opportunities, creating a mutually beneficial match.

Key highlights of the International Consultancy Project

The project's findings and progress were recently presented to a jury at the ESCP Business School, showcasing the innovative approaches and collaborative efforts driving this initiative forward. Some highlights:

  • Understanding ADHD/Dyslexia in the workplace: Emphasized the importance of empathy and skills-based assessments to appreciate neurodiverse professionals without reducing them to their conditions.
  • AI implementations and data integration: Demonstrated the integration of GMO Research & AI's 20,000+ survey results and the development of AI-driven assessment tools to match neurodivergent individuals with suitable roles.
  • Market opportunities and trends: Highlighted the growing market for AI in HR technology and the increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusion, projecting substantial market growth.

" Through this project, GMO Research & AI is very proud to have contributed to the development of a diversity-respecting hiring process using AI technology, and our collaboration with ETE and the ESCP Business School brings us one step closer to creating a more inclusive and fair employment environment. In particular, ETE's advanced AI evaluation technology and the passion of the ESCP Business School students were instrumental in the success of this innovative project. GMO Research & AI will continue to provide innovative technology and data solutions to help realize a society where diverse talents can maximize their potential.

We are confident that the insights and insights gained through this initiative will embody our company vision, "Engaging people around the world" and will bring a new perspective to the way society as a whole looks at employment. The more widespread the adoption of a hiring process that respects diversity, the more companies will be able to embrace and utilize the unique talents of a diverse workforce. We look forward to strengthening our partnership with ETE and ESCP Business School and collaborating on more projects in the future, and GMO Research & AI will continue to pursue innovation and work to provide equal opportunities for all. "  GMO Research & AI

