Madrid news
Celebrating 200 Years of an Exceptional Entrepreneur at ESCP Business School

Last night, at the ESCP Business School campus on María de Molina 4, a very special event took place. The ESCP community had the honor and pleasure of welcoming H.R.H. Doña Elena de Borbón to a heartfelt evening dedicated to honoring the memory of our illustrious alumnus, Pedro Domecq Loustau (Class of 1843).

Pedro Domecq Loustau represents the values that ESCP Business School promotes and celebrates: academic excellence, leadership with integrity, and an unwavering commitment to society. His legacy endures as a beacon of inspiration for our students and alumni.

Shared Values

✨ Academic Excellence: Pedro Domecq Loustau stood out for his dedication and passion for knowledge, a principle that we at ESCP cultivate in each of our programs and academic activities.

✨ Leadership with Integrity: His professional life exemplifies the kind of leadership we promote, one based on ethics, responsibility, and positive impact on the business and social environment.

✨ Commitment to Society: Like Pedro Domecq, we at ESCP are committed to forming leaders who not only aspire to professional success but also contribute to the well-being and development of the global community.

Internationalization:Pedro Domecq Loustau, with his global vision that led to the international expansion of his business, reflects the international spirit that ESCP, with campuses in six countries, instills in its students, preparing them to be global citizens.

Entrepreneurship:As a prominent entrepreneur in the wine industry, his legacy is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit intrinsic to ESCP's DNA that we encourage within our community.

Innovation:His ability to innovate in his field is an example of the type of creative and disruptive thinking we foster at ESCP.

The event featured distinguished participation from H.E. Ambassador Jorge Domecq, The Most Hon. Marqués de Domecq, Pedro Domecq Gandarias, The Most Hon. Miguel Domecq, and Prof. Dr. Javier Tafur, ESCP Business School Madrid campus Dean. Additionally, Marian Gomez-Campoy, from the boutique PR agency MGC&Co., guided the evening with her professionalism and warmth as our master of ceremonies.

As a token of appreciation, the Domecq family presented a commemorative plaque to ESCP Business School Madrid campus for hosting this event. The plaque was given by H.R.H. Doña Elena de Borbón to Don Domingo San Felipe, President of ESCP Business School Madrid.

We deeply appreciate Diego de Isasi, who contacted ESCP and initiated the organization of this significant event. Special thanks to Cosme Domecq, for conveying with such affection and enthusiasm what the figure of Pedro Domecq Loustau represents, being the driving force behind this tribute.

We extend our profound gratitude to H.R.H. Doña Elena de Borbón, whose presence made this event truly memorable.

Our thanks also go out to all the attendees and those who continue to support our mission of forming the leaders of the future. Let us continue working together, inspired by the legacy of Pedro Domecq Loustau, to reach new heights and make a significant difference in the world.

