Every Donation is essential

By supporting the ESCP Foundation, you are helping to improve the day-to-day lives of students and to strengthen teaching excellence through concrete, high-impact projects that will ensure ESCP Business School's long-term future.

Every donation is essential and enables your Foundation to carry out its activities in four strategic areas:

You live in France

You benefit from attractive tax deductions on income tax, property wealth tax (IFI) and corporation tax.

You live abroad

The ESCP Foundation has a network of partner programmes and foundations that allow you to benefit from tax deductions in your country of residence. Please search for your country and make your donation via our online donation platform. If your country is not listed or you would like more information, please contact Xavier Gerard, Head of Development France and International at fondation@escp.eu.

You live abroad but are subject to IFI in France

You will then benefit from French tax deductions. Simply select France as the country and the terms and conditions of the donation will be specified.

Together, let's get things moving!

Wherever you are, you can benefit from tax advantages for your donation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Xavier Gerad Fondation ESCP
Xavier Gerard Head of Development France and International Contact Us

Support Academic Excellence on ESCP Business School's 6 campuses

Donate online, by cheque, bank transfer or direct debit:

Select your country of residence:



By cheque

Please make cheques payable to Fondation ESCP and send to:

Fondation ESCP Site Régus 20-22 rue Marius Aufan - 92300 Levallois-Perret, France

By bank transfer

Account number: 00011083118

IBAN: FR76 3000 4025 5200 0110 8311 807


Income tax (IR)

You can deduct 66% of the amount of your donation to the ESCP Foundation from your income tax, up to a limit of 20% of net taxable income. Your donations exceed this limit? The excess can be carried forward over the next 5 years, under the same tax deduction conditions.

You must make your donation before 31 December of the current year and declare it in the spring of the following year.


  • For a donation of €1,000 per year, you can deduct €660 from your income tax and your donation only costs you €340 after tax deduction, or 567€ per month.
  • For a donation of €5,000 per year, you can deduct €3,300 from your income tax and your donation only costs you €1,700 after tax deduction, or €142 per month.

Property wealth tax (IFI):

75% of the amount of your donation is tax-deductible. This deduction is limited to €50,000, which corresponds to a maximum annual donation of €66,667.


  • For a donation of €20,000 per year, you can deduct €15,000 from your IFI and your donation comes to €5,000, i.e. under €417 per month.
  • For a donation of €50,000 per year, you can deduct €37,500 and your donation comes to €12,500, i.e. €1,042 per month.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Xavier Gerard, Fondation ESCP

Xavier Gerard

Development and Donor Relations Manager


United Kingdom

By cheque

Please make cheques payable to Fondation ESCP and send to:

Fondation ESCP Site Régus 20-22 rue Marius Aufan - 92300 Levallois-Perret, France

By bank transfer

Account number: 00011083118

IBAN: FR76 3000 4025 5200 0110 8311 807


London Campus

The London campus has is a registered charity (registered no. 293027) and is eligible for Gift Aid:

  • Any donation made to ESCP Business School is matched by 25% by the UK government: when you make a donation of £1,000 ESCP actually receives £1,250.
  • If you are in a high tax bracket, you may qualify for tax relief. To do this, you must include your donations on your tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.


For a donation of £1,000

  • Donor's tax bracket 40% tax payer+TR > Benefit to the Charity £1,250 > Tax benefit to donor £250 (20% of £1,250) Net cost to donor £750.
  • Donor's tax bracket 45% tax payer+TR > Benefit to the Charity £1,250 > Tax benefit to donor £312 (25% of £1,250) Net cost to donor £688.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Florence Dupuy-Pardo (92)

Development Director UK, Americas and Asia

flag us

United States

By cheque

Please make cheques payable to Myriad USA (KBFUS):

Write "ESCP Foundation" on the cheque and send it to Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176.

By bank transfer

Send an email to Myriad USA (KBFUS), info@myriadusa.org or call (212) 713 7660

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Florence Dupuy-Pardo (92)

Development Director UK, Americas and Asia

Flag Germany


Partner organisation and account holder

Maecenata Stiftung (www.maecenata.eu)

You can make a SEPA or Paypal donation on the Maecenata Stiftung website, stating the ESCP Foundation as the beneficiary.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

drapeau Switzerland


By bank transfer

Partner organisation and account holder: Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

Banque: UBS SA, PO Box, CH-1211 Geneva 2

Swiss franc account:

Account number: 240-672951.01W

IBAN: CH82 0024 0240 6729 5101W


Euro account:

Account number: 240-672951.70U

IBAN: CH76 0024 0240 6729 5170U


British Pound account:

Account number: 240-672951.62E

IBAN: CH89 0024 0240 6729 5162E


US DOllar account:

Account number: 240-672951.66R

IBAN: CH93 0024 0240 6729 5166R


Label the transfer order: TGE - Fondation ESCP Europe - France - Please note that the SPF requires a minimum donation of CHF 500.

Your contact Swiss Philanthropy Foundation:

Aïssata Traoré

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

flag Belgium


Partner organisation and account holder

Fondation Roi Baudouin.

By Bank transfer:

Banque: Bpost bank Adresse: Rue des colonies 56 (P28)- 1000 Brussels

Account number: 000-0000004-04

IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404


Label the transfer order: TGE – Fondation ESCP Europe – France

Contacts Fondation Roi Baudouin:

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

flag Canada


By cheque

Please make cheques payable to KBF CANADA and mentioning "Project C208 - Scholarships at ESCP for Student in Financial Need" in the "For" section and send it to: KBF CANADA, 1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 1670, Montréal, QC, H3B 2B6, Canada

By bank transfer

Send an email to KBF CANADA:

Mélina Zitiello

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Florence Dupuy-Pardo (92)

Development Director UK, Americas and Asia

drapeau Canada


By cheque

Please make cheques payable to Fondation ESCP and send to:

Fondation ESCP Site Régus 20-22 rue Marius Aufan - 92300 Levallois-Perret, France

By bank transfer

Account number: 00011083118

IBAN: FR76 3000 4025 5200 0110 8311 807


Luxembourg tax residents benefit from a special provision (circular dated 20/07/2009): they can make a donation directly to a foreign charitable foundation.

In the event of an tax inspection, a copy of the bank transfer is sufficient and/or a certificate from the bank and a letter of thanks.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

drapeau Croatia


If you would like to make a donation by any other means, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

drapeau Croatia


If you would like to make a donation by any other means, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

drapeau Croatia


If you would like to make a donation by any other means, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Drapeau Poland


If you would like to make a donation by any other means, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Drapeau Hungary


If you would like to make a donation by any other means, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Drapeau Hungary


If you would like to make a donation by any other means, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your ESCP Foundation contact:

Florence Dupuy, Fondation ESCP

Khalila Hassouna

Development Director for Continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa


Optimise the Impact Of your Company

For companies subject to corporation tax, it is possible to deduct 60% of donations, provided they do not exceed 0.5% of the company's turnover or €20,000 for SMEs. If the amount of donations exceeds this limit, the excess can be carried forward over the next 5 years.

For donations in excess of €2 million, the tax reduction is now 40% of amounts over €2 million. In accordance with article 238 bis of the General Tax Code (C.G.I.).

Your company may also collaborate directly with the ESCP campuses by becoming one of the ESCP Foundation's corporate partners.

There are a number of options open to you, such as funding a research centre, creating a chair, supporting student scholarships or establishing partnerships.

Find out more

The Foundation would like to thank all its corporate sponsors for their support in the development of ESCP Business School.

Passing on assets for the future of your School Discover the different ways to make a donation to the ESCP Foundation

The ESCP Foundation is authorised to receive donations, bequests, life insurance policies and gifts of securities (shares, bonds, SICAV, etc.).

A bequest

A bequest allows you to pass on all or part of your assets to one or more beneficiaries after your death. Your bequest to the ESCP Foundation is totally exempt from inheritance tax.

Transferring assets inter vivos

A donation allows you to give an asset (real estate, money, etc.) to the ESCP Foundation during your lifetime. It takes the form of a deed signed by you and the beneficiary at a notary's office. Donations can have significant tax benefits for the donor.

A gift of life insurance (assurance vie)

Life insurance allows you to build up capital that can be passed on to the natural or legal person of your choice in the event of your death or during your lifetime. The capital is exempt from all transfer duties and other taxes.

A gift of securities

By donating securities, you can significantly reduce your capital gains tax.

By choosing to make one of these donations, you are supporting us over the long term by associating your name with the history of the School.

Contact et information :

Antonella Guerra, Fondation ESCP

Antonella Guerra

and Financial Director
Contact Us