Ghislain Deslandes is a Professor at ESCP Business School and a member of the Law, Economics & Humanities Department (LEH).
His research mainly concerns media management and leadership theories revisited from a philosophical perspective. He has published several books, such as Essai sur les données philosophiques du management (PUF, 2013) [FNEGE-EFMD best essay], Érotique de l’administration (PUF, 2023), Postcritical Management Studies: Philosophical Investigations (Springer, 2023) and Humanities and Organizations in Dialogue: Hermeneutic Inquiries (Lexington Books, 2024). His works can be found in various academic journals, including European Management Journal, European Management Review, Journal of Media Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Leadership, Management Learning, Organization, Organization Studies, and Philosophy of Management.
He is also the author of many philosophical articles, and two essays translated into English: Antiphilosophy of Christianity (Springer, 2020) and The Idea of Beginning in Jules Lequier’s Philosophy (Lexington Books, 2023). From 2013 to 2019, he was an elected Program Director at the Collège International de Philosophie (CIPH).
In business administration, Ghislain Deslandes graduated from the Executive PhD at Paris Dauphine University, where he completed his HDR (French post-doctoral qualification for Ph.D. supervisors). He also received the ITP certification from Kellogg School of Management and the GloCall certification from Harvard Business School. In philosophy, he defended his PhD thesis at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University.