Gilles Arnaud is a Professor of Organizational Psychology/Behavior at ESCP, Paris Campus. He holds a Master in I/O Psychology, a PhD in Management Science in the field of organizational psychodynamics, and a French accreditation to supervise doctoral research. He has a strong interest in the application of psychoanalysis, especially Lacanian theory, to organization studies, work psychology and business. His other areas of interest include psychological and epistemological issues in social and management sciences, qualitative and clinical research methods, and critical management studies in a psychodynamic perspective. His research work has appeared in books and in a range of French and international academic journals. Moreover, Gilles Arnaud has served and currently serves on the editorial board of Organization Studies, Management Decision, the Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Organisational and Social Dynamics, Frontiers in Psychoanalysis and Neuropsychanalysis, and in France, Gérer & Comprendre, @GRH, and Recherches en Sciences de Gestion. He co-edits the Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie (érès) and the Clinical Research & Social Change Series (L’Harmattan).
He is also a member of the Laboratoire de Changement Social et Politique (Research Centre for Social and Political Change, University of Paris Diderot), a member of the History and Anthropology of Knowledge, Techniques and Beliefs (HASTEC) laboratory of excellence, and a former board member of ISPSO (International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations) and CIRFIP (International Centre for Research, Training and Intervention in Psycho-sociology).
Gilles Arnaud is a founding member of the Psychoanalysis, Organizations, Work, and Society AIMS thematic research group.