ChangeNOW-Les Echos Ranking
ESCP ranked #2 in the ChangeNOW-Les Echos ranking of schools committed to ecological and social transition!

ESCP’s efforts in sustainability have been recognised by the ChangeNOW-Les Echos ranking of 64 higher education institutions in France.

French media group Les Echos has collaborated with ChangeNOW, one of the largest European organisations of sustainability innovators and entrepreneurs, to establish this ranking in order to assist students in identifying institutions that are committed to ecological and social transition while providing schools with a framework by which they can measure their progress in addressing these challenges.

ESCP is proud to come in second place in the ranking’s third edition. This performance is bolstered by the exceptional results in the Financial Times annual rankings for ESCP’s flagship programmes in regards to teaching on environmental, social and governance (ESG). ESCP’s EMBA and Master in Management earned 2nd and 8th place, respectively for the school’s carbon footprint and teaching on ESG.

Discover below several of the initiatives enabling ESCP, with the support of its faculty and staff, to advance on the school’s sustainability objectives.

Training faculty and transforming curricula

ESCP initiated a collaboration with "Le campus de la transition" to organise training sessions for professors.

The central theme of these three-day sessions is the "Head-heart-hands" approach, aimed at assisting educators in reevaluating the content of their courses and the future of their respective fields.

The inaugural session occurred in April 2022 and received highly positive feedback from the professors. You can watch below a video providing insights into their experiences.

Driving change with Axa Climate School platform for all staff

Since July 2023, ESCP professors and staff have access to the Axa Climate School platform, enabling them to engage in self-paced training on significant sustainability topics through quick and efficient video resources.

Upon completing their training, ESCP's newly educated community members receive an official certificate.

ESCP’s approach aims to provide a diverse range of training methods to reach the widest possible audience. For example, since 2019, the school has also provided sustainability training to staff, faculty and students thanks to the Climate Fresk.

DD&RS labellisation

In December 2022, ESCP earned the DD&RS Label, accredited by CIRSES—an independent body consisting of delegates from other business schools.

This accolade signifies a rigorous process involving more than 200 documents and indicators and required approximately two years of preparation. It is a peer-to-peer recognition of our efforts.

ESCP is certified by the DD&RS (Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale) French label

Calculating ESCP’s carbon footprint and improving sustainability across campus buildings

Making sure that our actions align with our words, ESCP’s sustainability department has been hard at work over the last five months calculating the carbon footprint for the entire school.

By the end of this year, the goal is to know how many tons of carbon ESCP emitted in the year 2021-2022.

This will in turn will allow us to implement concrete measures to reduce that footprint, and achieve our very ambitious goal of 55% reduction by 2030. More news to come on that front soon!

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability at ESCP

To learn more about ESCP’s commitment to sustainability in teaching, research, processes and governance…

… visit here
